NIR Technology Cropscan 2000B near infrared transmission analyser
11 May, 2010The Cropscan 2000B near infrared transmission analyser is suitable for use by grain processors, flour millers, stock feed manufacturers, oil seed crushers, meal manufacturers and biofuel producers.
Anton Paar L-Dens 323 density meter
10 May, 2010The Anton Paar L-Dens 323 density meter for the food industry is available with wetted parts made of Hastelloy. The meter is suitable for the continuous monitoring of the density or concentration of liquids when an accuracy of 1x10-3 g/cm3 is required for the density results.
BioControl Systems Lightning MVP cleaning verification
07 May, 2010 byPortable ATP bioluminescent-based tests are very common in many food processing plants, and the test is now a widely recognised method for rapid hygiene testing. However, not all ATP systems are the same, and some may provide false and variable results. Potential sources of variability include the luminometer, temperature, sanitiser residues, storage condition of the swabs and operator technique.
BCI Testequip VCC 1010 vacuum chamber
06 May, 2010 byThe VCC 1010 vacuum chamber from BCI Testequip provides a non-destructive leak detection system for packaging, both rigid and flexible. A fully sealed package, with or without modified atmosphere, preserves the durable quality of products and guarantees security.
Thermo Fisher Scientific isotope ratio mass spectrometry solution
06 May, 2010 byThermo Fisher Scientific has released an easy-to-use isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) solution for the authentication of food and beverages.
MicroBioLogics lyophilised reference stock cultures
06 May, 2010 byMicroBioLogics produces lyophilised reference stock cultures and enumerated microorganism preparations for quality control laboratories. Ready-to-use reference stock cultures can alleviate labour-intensive processes of preparing, storing and maintaining in-house cultures. Each lyophilised microorganism is no more than four passages from the reference culture and is authentic and traceable. Choose from more than 750 microorganism strains derived from well-known culture collections from around the world.
On Site Generating Solutions QC measurement method
06 May, 2010 byProduction quality and uniformity in food processing and its subsequent packaging is closely related to good quality control during the manufacturing process. Good process control and monitoring is critical. This is true for production of both the food product itself, the packaging and, of course, for putting the former inside the latter efficiently.
Mettler Toledo automated titration system
06 May, 2010 byMettler Toledo has provided a system which fulfils the requirements of performing reliable titration of numerous liquid samples on a daily basis with no weighing involved.
Macherey-Nagel PF-12 wastewater analysis photometer
04 May, 2010 byMacherey-Nagel has released the PF-12 photometer - a lower-priced alternative to the more technically advanced 500 D, already used in many laboratories worldwide.
IDM Instruments crease bend tester
04 May, 2010 byIDM Instruments has released a crease bend tester for cardboard and corrugated cardboard. It is used mainly to monitor scoring equipment to ensure box performance, by measuring the bending resistance of creased board at the time of folding at the crease. The maximum force required to bend the sample board is displayed on the digital display.
Arrow Scientific GlutenTox tests
18 April, 2010GlutenTox is claimed to offer the latest generation of tests for gluten, harmful to coeliac disease sufferers.
PepsiCo tests its waters
30 March, 2010 byIn Cork, in Ireland, PepsiCo International, Ireland, uses Dionex ion chromatography (IC) systems to test its bottled water and the treated and raw water used in its beverages for contaminants like bromate and oxyhalides as well as common anions and cations.
IDM Instruments box compression tester
02 March, 2010 byThe box compression tester is a floor-mounted machine designed to evaluate packages and material under compressive loads. It can be used for box compression, stack testing and multi-box compression.
Taiwan BFDA ensures food safety with Waters
02 March, 2010 byThe Taiwan Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis (BFDA) has purchased and installed a total of four Waters Acquity UltraPerformance LC (UPLC) systems and nine Xevo TQ tandem quadrupole mass spectrometers to support its efforts to protect Taiwanese consumers and the country’s food supply by monitoring domestically produced and imported food sold within the country.
Mecmesin 1 and 2.5 kN capacity MultiTest-d test system
02 March, 2010 byMecmesin’s MultiTest-d test system, available in 1 and 2.5 kN capacities, works in conjunction with a Mecmesin digital force gauge and forms a suitable entry-level motorised test system for users’ evaluation of the quality control parameters of their products in tension and compression.