Merck Millipore TOS-MUP medium for bifidobacteria enumeration in milk
29 August, 2011 byTOS-MUP medium is suitable for the enumeration of bifidobacteria in milk products.
Mecmesin FTA 2.5 Xt Food Texture Analyser
29 August, 2011 byThe Mecmesin FTA 2.5 Xt Food Texture Analyser is based on the Mecmesin MultiTest 2.5 Xt, a 2.5 kN test centre for tension and compression.
Merck Millipore Duopath Verotoxin test for EHEC in food
29 August, 2011 byInfection by the EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic ) E. coli pathogen is thought to be spread primarily through the consumption of contaminated food.
Velp Scientifica NDA 701 Dumas nitrogen analyser
29 August, 2011 byThe Velp Scientifica NDA 701 Dumas nitrogen analyser is a simple-to-use, rapid and cost-effective instrument designed to measure protein in food, grains, animal feeds and soil.
Arrow Scientific FeedChek test for detecting MBM in cattle feed
16 August, 2011The FeedChek test is designed to detect MBM in cattle feed to assist users to comply with regulations to prevent the spread of mad cow disease.
Quantab Chloride strips for salt content determination
21 July, 2011 byQuantab salt is a simple method for measuring salt in food using reagent plastic strips. Only basic equipment and training is required.
Cell Biosciences Soleris optical system
13 July, 2011Real-time microbiology with the Soleris optical system delivers quality data and helps eliminate the time-consuming microbial bottleneck. The system allows screening of raw materials or environments for early detection of contamination or positive release of product.
Neogen food allergen test kits and accessories
12 July, 2011 byNeogen has appointed BioSys Australia as sole Australian distributor of the company’s entire range of food allergen test kits and accessories.
Neogen microbiology product range
07 July, 2011 byCell Biosciences has been appointed as the Australian distributor for Neogen’s range of microbiology products which includes assays for food pathogens, coliforms, generic E. coli, lactics, total plate counts, yeast and mould and the Acumedia brand of dehydrated culture media.
Merck Millipore Duopath Verotoxin and Singlepath E. coli O157 tests
07 July, 2011 byThe recent outbreak of an EHEC (enterohaemorrhagic ) E. coli pathogen in Germany and other regions has infected hundreds of people. The infection is thought to be spread primarily through the consumption of contaminated food.
Adam Equipment Core compact balances
05 July, 2011 byAdam Equipment’s durable and compact Core balances come in seven models and are designed for easy storage. The battery and AC power supply also make them portable and useful for fieldwork.
PBI-Dansensor inline gas analysers
04 July, 2011 byModified atmosphere packaging, MAP, is a key method to maintain the quality and improve the shelf life of processed and fresh meat products. Ensuring that the correct gas mixture is in the packaging is a crucial requirement of the process, so the mixture must be monitored in a reliable and efficient way.
Carl Zeiss AxioCam ERc 5s 5 megapixel CMOS camera
01 July, 2011 byThe Carl Zeiss AxioCam ERc 5s 5 megapixel CMOS camera can be used as a full-fledged microscope camera for education and routine requirements or as a video device for observation with a fast and high-quality live image.
Thermo Scientific TraceFinder 1.1 software
30 June, 2011 byThermo Scientific’s TraceFinder 1.1 software is suitable for use in food safety and environmental testing laboratories performing routine, high-throughput quantitation by LC-MS. The software retains all of the capabilities of its predecessor and has been expanded to include complete integration with the Thermo Scientific Transcend system. It is also compatible with all Thermo Scientific quantitative mass spectrometry platforms, including the Thermo Scientific Exactive and LTQ family of systems.
Collaboration contributes to understanding toxicity of the new E. coli strain
30 June, 2011HPA researchers, using Thermo Scientific's mass spectrometry technology, have been able to identify the protein toxins expressed by the deadly strain of E. coli in Europe.