Industry News
Funding available for NSW companies wanting to increase their gas efficiency
$800,000 is available in round two of the NSW Gas Efficiency Funding program. Applications close on 10 June. [ + ]
Phthalates and fast food
Higher fast food consumption is linked to higher phthalate levels. [ + ]
Doubling bananas' shelf life
By tweaking the genes that control ripening, researchers at Israel's Volcani Institute have managed to double the shelf life of bananas. [ + ]
Salmonella research boosted by $10 million grant
To improve understanding about the interactions between Salmonella bacteria and immune cells infected by the pathogen, as well as treatment for such infections, Stanford University is opening the Allen Discovery Center for Multiscale Systems Modeling of Macrophage Infection. [ + ]
Slight decline in sodium content in restaurant meals and packaged foods in the US
A market basket survey of 451 packaged and restaurant foods has shown a 4% reduction in sodium over the last decade. [ + ]
Qld Supply Chain and Logistics Awards opens nominations
Nominations are now invited for the annual Queensland Supply Chain and Logistics Awards. [ + ]
The high-tech fight against vegetable fungi
A team of researchers has used bioinformatics technology to identify the genes of fungi that affect crops such as cucumber, watermelon, squash and rockmelon, in order to define the ideal treatment to attack the pathogens. [ + ]
SAI Global's food industry qualification proves popular
Three months after classes commenced, there has been extensive interest in SAI Global's diploma qualification for professionals working with the food industry in operations, food safety and quality assurance roles. [ + ]
Waiter, there's a bristle in my burger!
A review of injuries caused by ingesting wire bristles from grill brushes has prompted calls for greater awareness by medical professionals and consumers. [ + ]
100 glasses: a snapshot of Australia's drinking habits
In a revealing analysis of Australia's drinking habits, market research company Roy Morgan Research has distilled our drinking habits into 100 glasses. [ + ]
Maggots and antibacterial surfaces
The structure of the surface of the the rat-tailed maggot prevents the microorganisms in the maggot's fetid environment from infecting the larvae. [ + ]
What if there was a simpler, more practical way to test for pathogens?
A simple, paper-based dipstick test can reveal the presence of foodborne pathogens in just 15 minutes. [ + ]
You are what your ancestors ate
Evidence of a genetic variation has been discovered in populations that have historically favoured vegetarian or seafood diets. [ + ]
The great oregano swindle
A spot check by CHOICE has found widespread adulteration of oregano products sold in Australia, with one product found to contain less than 10% oregano. [ + ]
Krones acquires intralogistics supplier
Krones has purchased 60% of the shares in System Logistics, an Italian supplier of intralogistics, material flow technology and warehousing solutions to the food and beverage industries. [ + ]