2011 APPMA annual scholarship open
26 October, 2010The Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA), in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP), has announced that submissions are open for the third annual scholarship program which will enable a packaging engineer the opportunity to complete a Diploma in Packaging Technology.
Bioplastics Pavilion at packaging exhibition
06 October, 2010The AUSPACK PLUS packaging exhibition will continue with the Bioplastics Pavilion that was introduced in 2009.
Course on life cycle inventory and carbon footprinting
06 October, 2010The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) is running a half-day course on the introduction to Life Cycle Inventory and Carbon Footprinting with Professor Gordon Robertson FAIP as course presenter. The training course will be held on Wednesday 10 November in Sydney, New South Wales.
Fast food brands launch annual world hunger relief effort
27 September, 2010Yum! Brands has announced the launch of World Hunger Relief featuring Christina Aguilera, global spokesperson and new World Food Programme Ambassador Against Hunger.
Future food ideas shared at forum
14 September, 2010Naturally functional foods that fight disease, environmentally friendly food packaging, new probiotic juices and natural antimicrobial treatments to keep food fresh for longer are some of the topics to be discussed when The University of Queensland presents the first of its Future Food Forums for industry on Tuesday 28 September at its St Lucia campus.
FSANZ invites comment on changes to food code
07 September, 2010Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has invited interested parties to comment on a draft national food standard to ensure high levels of food safety in the seed sprouts industry, and on an application to approve Advantame as a high-intensity sweetener.
Heat and Control celebrates 60th year
27 August, 2010Founded in 1950 by five engineers who had the goal of modernising cooking equipment for the food industry, Heat and Control has played a role during the early days of industrial cooking systems, pioneering continuous cooking equipment.
Must-attend event for food manufacturers and processors
20 August, 2010Registration is open for the FoodTech Connect 10 conference and exhibition which will take place on 6 and 7 October in Melbourne. The event will focus on the latest developments, technologies and best practices in the food and beverage manufacturing and processing industry in Australia and New Zealand.
AIP NSW to discuss packaging software
12 July, 2010Ron Mines MAIP, Director, Aussie Pack 'n' Ship, and Andrew Sleath, Services Manager, iApproveit, are two of the speakers appearing at the Australian Institute of Packaging New South Wales division technical seminar on Software Packages used in Packaging Management on Thursday 22 July.
Packaging for transport training
24 May, 2010The Australian Institute of Packaging is running a half-day training course on ‘Packaging for Transport’ on Thursday 22 July in Melbourne.
36 speakers packed into two days
05 May, 2010The AIP National Conference is open to both members and non-members and is particularly suitable for the food, beverage, manufacturing and packaging industries.
AIFST Annual Convention to be held in Melbourne
27 April, 2010The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) is hosting its 43rd Annual Convention in Melbourne from 25-27 July 2010.
2010 Australian Supply Chain & Logistics Awards celebrates 50 years
09 March, 2010The 50th anniversary Australian Supply Chain and Logistics (ASCL) Awards will be held at Crystal Palace, Luna Park, Sydney, on Thursday 28 October.
See Africa as a tax deduction
04 March, 2010An Australian contingent is being organised to attend the 15th IUoFST Congress in South Africa. A great way to visit a fascinating country and a world-class conference.
AIP 2010 National Conference heads to the MCG
04 March, 2010Back to the Future: The Art & Science of Packaging is the theme of this year's AIP National Conference which will be held in Melbourne in June.