Industry News
Experts to discuss packaging line safety, fault finding, product distribution integrity
Interested in learning more about packaging line safety, fault finding and product distribution integrity? The AIP and APPMA are jointly hosting a technical dinner on 1 April covering these topics. [ + ]
Tetra Rex Bio-based carton makes world debut in Finland
Tetra Pak's plant-based carton packaging has hit shelves for the first time, as Finnish dairy producer Valio becomes the first company in the world to adopt it. [ + ]
Frozen berries: calls for action on country of origin labelling
In the fallout from the frozen berry recall, a chorus of voices from politics, industry and consumer groups has urged the federal government to act on new food labelling laws. [ + ]
Proposed revision to Australian Standard on organic and biodynamic products
Standards Australia is currently revising AS 6000-2009 Organic and Biodynamic Products and has invited public comment on the proposed changes. [ + ]
Matcon moves Asia-Pacific office to Singapore
Matcon Group is relocating its Asia-Pacific Operations from Sydney to Singapore. From 1 March 2015, the company's office will be located within an IDEX Corporation regional building in East Jurong, Singapore. [ + ]
Tasty treat: How we showed fat to be the sixth taste
Humans are thought to be able to taste five qualities but technological advances combined with sophisticated research means we can now test for more subtle tastes we haven't known about. [ + ]
Tasty treat: How we showed fat to be the sixth taste
Humans are thought to be able to taste five qualities but technological advances combined with sophisticated research means we can now test for more subtle tastes we haven't known about. [ + ]
Prometheus Group and SMEC in asset management partnership
Prometheus Group and SMEC have announced a global partnership which combines Prometheus Group's enterprise asset management software with SMEC's asset management consulting group. [ + ]
If you're drinking to forget, stick to white wine
In good news for red wine lovers, researchers have discovered that a compound found in foods such as red grapes, peanuts and red wine may help prevent age-related decline in memory. [ + ]
India's sweet obsession
The confectionery market in India is expected to grow by 71% in the next four years, as the growing Indian middle-class consumes more gums and jellies, and chocolate continues to be high in demand among children, according to research by Canadean. [ + ]
First Australian whole grain database
The first Australian whole grain database has been developed to provide nutrition practitioners and consumers with information about the types of products containing whole grains in the Australian market and their whole grain content. [ + ]
Goodman Fielder acquisition cleared by Chinese government
The Anti-Monopoly Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (MOFCOM) has granted approval under the country's Anti-Monopoly Law for Wilmar International and First Pacific Company to acquire Goodman Fielder. [ + ]
Frazer-Nash to provide engineering support to sustainable greenhouse project
Sundrop Farms has selected Frazer-Nash Consultancy to provide Owner's Engineer support to its 20 ha sustainable greenhouse project in Port Augusta. [ + ]
Fonterra goes Dutch with new dairy ingredients plant
Fonterra has commissioned a new dairy ingredients plant in the Netherlands. The plant produces whey and lactose specialty ingredients for high-value paediatric, maternal and sports nutrition products. [ + ]
Patties Foods identifies potential source of Hepatitis A contamination
Patties Foods has extended the recall of its frozen berry products to include its Nanna's Raspberries 1 kg packs after investigations revealed a potential link to a specific source of raspberries from China. [ + ]