Industry News
$3.5m funding to expand fish processing and packaging operations
Huon Aquaculture is set to receive $3.5 million in government funding to expand its Parramatta Creek factory in Tasmania. The expansion is expected to boost employment in the region, creating 90 ongoing jobs and an estimated 100 jobs during construction. [ + ]
Shelf-Friendly Packaging training courses a success
The 2014 AIP/IGD Shelf-Friendly Packaging training courses, which were held across two states and four Woolworths sites, attracted more than 90 packaging technologists, engineers and designers. [ + ]
Fixing fishy fraud
Deliberate fraud or mislabelling of seafood has become an increasingly important global food security issue, but InstantLabs and the University of Guelph have entered into an agreement to co-develop a portfolio of seafood species identification tests that will provide definitive proof that seafood is correctly labelled within two hours. [ + ]
Shrinking Chinese households drive demand for convenient packaging
Packaging for Chinese consumers needs to meet the needs of busier, smaller households, Canadean says. The one child policy has seen the average Chinese household shrink to 2.8 people, while the family structure has changed to a new '4-2-1 composition': four grandparents, two parents and one child. [ + ]
Dealing with thermoduric microbes in the dairy industry
While pasteurisation may have revolutionised the food industry, certain microbes can survive pasteurisation. Sanjeev Anand, a South Dakota State University dairy science professor, is developing ways to combat these heat-resistant microorganisms. [ + ]
Food safety detective combats food fraud
To combat food fraud, we need to identify which factors play a role in vulnerability of organisations and the food chain, according to Saskia van Ruth, the newly appointed Professor of Food Authenticity and Integrity at Wageningen University. [ + ]
Amcor Flexibles triumphs in two Alufoil Trophy categories
Amcor Flexibles has won the Marketing & Design and Consumer Convenience categories in the Alufoil Trophy 2014. [ + ]
GM food found to be biochemically the same as non-GM food
A new study into the make-up of GM foods could allay consumers' fears about the products, researchers say. Cornell University researchers found that the metabolic profile of GM tomatoes was the same as their non-GM counterparts. [ + ]
How many bubbles in a glass of bubbly? Fewer than you'd think
A single glass of champagne is generally thought to contain 15 million bubbles on average. But a French chemist has challenged this figure, suggesting that the mathematical formula used to arrive at this estimate has oversimplified the matter. [ + ]
ProXES buys FrymaKoruma from Romaco Group
Romaco Group has announced plans to sell its stake in FrymaKoruma to an umbrella corporation within the Deutsche Beteiligungs AG (DBAG) group. [ + ]
New method pasteurises eggs in 20 minutes
USDA researchers have developed a way to pasteurise raw eggs in-shell using radiofrequency heating. The method takes 20 minutes and does not affect the eggs' taste, texture or colour. [ + ]
FTA will reduce tariffs on Australian produce
Australia's FTA with Japan will have positive implications for the Australian horticulture industry, with a range of fruit and vegetable commodities flagged for tariff elimination, AUSVEG says. [ + ]
CBC announced as Kalsec channel partner for Australia
Connell Brothers Company (CBC) has been announced as Kalsec's channel partner for Australia. CBC will commence the role on 1 May 2014. [ + ]
US profits, China struggles: Q1 2014 poultry outlook
Margins in Q2 are likely to be affected by avian influenza outbreaks in China, the weakening Asian economy and feed prices, which are up 10 to 15% on earlier expectations, according to Rabobank's Poultry Quarterly Q1. [ + ]
Industry welcomes Japanese Free Trade Agreement
Australia's recently announced free trade agreement with Japan will mean significant gains for processed food exports, the AFGC says. [ + ]