Industry News
Fonterra and Nestlé rework Dairy Partners Americas joint venture
Fonterra has announced it has realigned its Dairy Partners Americas (DPA) 50/50 joint venture with Nestlé. The two companies have signed binding agreements covering the revised scope of the alliance. [ + ]
New handbook on certifying food safety management systems
ISO has published a new handbook that compiles two key standards for certifying food safety management systems. It contains all the information certification bodies need for reliable and efficient audits. [ + ]
Pathogen control important for pet food, too
Pathogen control isn't only an issue in food processing for human food - pet food is just as susceptible to contamination. Palatability enhancers, manufacturing equipment and post-manufacture storage can all contribute to pet-food contamination. [ + ]
Safer bandsaw on display at foodpro
The safety of workers in the meat industry was the motivation for Australian meat processing equipment manufacturer Thompson Meat Machinery to develop and patent a sensor that reduces the severity of bandsaw injuries. [ + ]
Two-thirds of store delivery suppliers cannot process all consumer data
More than 60% of store delivery suppliers in the Australian and New Zealand FMCG industry admit the amount of consumer data they can collect exceeds their capability to process and act on it, a new report from Intermec by Honeywell reveals. [ + ]
Interactive map of the Australian food industry
The Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) and Food Innovation Australia (FIAL) have co-produced a map that represents the Australian food industry industry from the farm gate to the end product (not including agriculture and food service). All organisations and companies within the industry have been labelled on the map. [ + ]
A Pink Lady apple a day keeps the doctor away
They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but that could depend on the kind of apple you're eating. Researchers have found that certain types of apples provide greater health benefits than others, with the Pink Lady variety leading the pack. [ + ]
LINPAC wins PackTheFuture Award for Rfresh Elite tray
LINPAC Packaging has won a PackTheFuture Award for its Rfresh Elite tray for meat and fish products at Interpack. [ + ]
The sound of science: using acoustics for coffee roasting
Acoustician Preston S Wilson explored the potential of using the ‘cracking’ sounds emitted by coffee beans during the roasting process as the basis for an automated acoustical roast monitoring technique. [ + ]
Small packs to take off in Thailand
The changing consumer demographic in Thailand will drive changes in packaging demand, research firm Canadean says. [ + ]
MOU to increase cooperation on Australian-Chinese mergers
The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China has signed a memorandum of understanding with the ACCC that aims to increase cooperation and communication about mergers affecting both the Australian and Chinese markets. [ + ]
Scientists predict cultured meat factories for every town
One day, every town could have its own small-scale cultured meat factory, scientists have predicted. In Trends in Biotechnology, they outline a potential meat manufacturing process, starting with a vial of cells taken from a cell bank and ending with a pressed 'cake' of meat. [ + ]
Superfood shows promise as thickener and emulsifier
Commonly touted as a 'superfood', chia seed may in fact live up to the title. When placed in water, the seeds form a gel that food technologists say could be used in new product development. [ + ]
Revised Food Industry Recall Protocol now available
A revised food recall protocol has been launched by FSANZ. Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash says every Australian food manufacturer, importer, wholesaler and distributor should have a copy. [ + ]
Report recommends strict regulation of nanomaterials in food
A report on nanotechnology in food and agriculture has elicited mixed responses from experts on the topic. Published by Friends of the Earth, the report suggests that the Australian Government should strictly regulate the use of nanomaterials in these fields. [ + ]