Industry News
Study on free-range eggs
In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Adelaide and published in Anthrozoös, the journal of the International Society for Anthrozoology, consumers chose to buy free-range or cage-free eggs over eggs from caged hens because they believe they taste better and are better quality. [ + ]
Fast food for all
A new nationwide study of young baby boomers contradicts the popular belief that fast-food consumption is concentrated amongst the poor. [ + ]
Bacharach acquires Parasense
Bacharach, reperesented in Australia by System Control Engineering, has acquired Parasense, a company that specialises in refrigeration detection and monitoring equipment for the food retail and military segments of the refrigeration and air-conditioning market. [ + ]
Nutrition labelling disjointedness making exporting to ASEAN nations more difficult
Food Industry Asia has commissioned a study to investigate the economic impacts of nutritional labelling on ASEAN countries. [ + ]
PMMI addresses global packaging trends
The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI) addressed the changing global packaging market during Interpak. [ + ]
Unilever tackles plastic sachet waste
Unilever has developed a new technology called CreaSolv Process to recycle sachet waste. This technology has been developed with the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging in Germany and is inspired by processes used to recycle television sets. [ + ]
Cleaner water without filtration
A low-cost water treatment system has been found to remove particles 1000-fold more efficiently than conventional microfiltration systems without the need for physical filters or membranes that can clog or require replacement. [ + ]
Coding, labelling, inspection and integration solutions on show
Understanding accurately what's happening on the production line is vital to driving continuous improvement and enhancing a business's profits. [ + ]
Colour me natural
A new source of red/blue/purple coloured anthocyanins where the product is not destroyed during colour extraction may be on the horizon. [ + ]
No? Really? That much salt?
Australians are eating at least a third more salt than they think. [ + ]
Sustainable foods and their true value
The Sustainable Foods Summit aims to show how sustainable products have a lower impact over conventional products. A growing body of evidence presents the disparity between the price we pay for food and the costs of production and consumption. Reflecting market prices do not expose the environmental, social and health impacts of food products. [ + ]
Crown Holding's new beverage facility in the can
Crown Holdings, a leading supplier of metal packaging products, opened its new beverage can manufacturing plant in Nichols, New York, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on 9 May. [ + ]
Why you need to visit CSIRO at foodpro 2017
Visitors to foodpro should be sure to visit CSIRO's booth, where you may be able to sample some ready-to-eat meals prepared using CSIRO's world-first, patented innovation in high-pressure thermal sterilisation. [ + ]
Moving machines with sesame oil
Sesame oil aims to make a feasible and sustainable alternative to mineral oil as an industrial lubricant, according to research published in the International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology. [ + ]
Foodbank and Simplot partnership for disadvantaged Australians
Foodbank and Simplot Australia have partnered to provide 4 million meals to people in need. The six-year collaborative supply program to produce essential foods has seen the teamwork of several partners contribute to the success of the program. [ + ]