What's a food processor to do?
23 November, 2017 | Supplied by: JBTYour consumers want fresh, healthy and preservative-free foods that are convenient but delicious. Retailers and foodservice wholesalers want to respond to these consumer demands, but need extended shelf life to reduce product spoilage. Creating products that meet these requirements — not to mention regulatory compliance — is truly a balancing act.
Beamex LOGiCAL cloud-based calibration certificate generation software
22 November, 2017 | Supplied by: AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty LtdBeamex has introduced a free-of-charge, cloud-based calibration certificate generation software called LOGiCAL.
New production line for company manufacturing 60 million tonnes of cheese a year
20 November, 2017GEA will take just three months to install and commission an extension to one of BMI's three cheese lines, increasing capacity to 2.5 tonnes/hour of pizza cheese.
QUT researchers develop disease-resistant bananas
20 November, 2017A team of QUT researchers developed and grew genetically modified Cavendish bananas that were resistant to soilborne fungus Fusarium wilt tropical race 4 (TR4), also known as Panama disease.
METTLER TOLEDO Process Analytics Pro2Go handheld pH meters
17 November, 2017 | Supplied by: Mettler-Toledo LtdMETTLER TOLEDO Process Analytics Pro2Go handheld pH meters are an alternative to making lab measurements and when an inline sensor is not required.
Campylobacter uses Trojan horse infiltration technique
17 November, 2017Campylobacter jejuni is following the Greeks' lead in how they overwhelmed Troy — employing a 'host' to transport 'soldiers' into the citadel.
METTLER TOLEDO Firmware version 1.40 HC103 halogen moisture analyser
16 November, 2017 | Supplied by: Mettler-Toledo LtdThe HC103 halogen moisture analyser from METTLER TOLEDO has a free firmware download, version 1.40.
Challenging climate change with beer
14 November, 2017 by Nichola MurphyScottish-based brewery Brewdog has launched a protest beer which aims to 'shake the world by the shoulders' and encourage world leaders to take action against climate change, particularly US President Donald Trump.
GM tomatoes have anti-ageing properties
14 November, 2017Researches from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) collaborated with the Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes (CNRS, Strasbourg, France) to significantly boost the antioxidant properties in tomatoes.
Grow fresh fruit and veg inside your home
13 November, 2017 by Nichola MurphyStudents from the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have developed a form of vertical farming that aims to help people in impoverished areas who have limited access to fresh produce.
Fluid Components International ST51 Series Thermal Mass Flow Meter
09 November, 2017 | Supplied by: AMS Instrumentation & Calibration Pty LtdThe rugged ST51 Series Thermal Mass Flow Meter from Fluid Components International (FCI) provides continuously accurate measurement of syngas fuel flow to the combined heat and power (CHP) engine.
Australia leading the way with 'flour power'
02 November, 2017Imagine the global benefits to nutrition availability if the amount of flour produced from wheat could be increased 10%.
Whisky equivalent takes 2% of the traditional ageing time
31 October, 2017 by Nichola MurphyJohn Hyslop, a businessman with a background in industrial chemistry, has developed a 10-year-old whisky equivalent in just 10 weeks.
Salmonella, E. coli, botulism or lead in your Halloween lollies?
31 October, 2017In California neither Salmonella nor E. coli nor botulism is the leading reason for health alerts in confectionery. Not only is lead responsible for the largest number of health alerts, there have been more alerts for lead than the other three contaminants combined.