Industry News
Milk price wars force dairy producers to turn to China
The supermarket milk price wars have forced fresh milk producers to seek new markets and revenue sources, according to IBISWorld. China has been the focus of many producers' efforts. [ + ]
Affluent consumers prefer branded margarine over supermarket brands
While supermarket house brand margarine has proven popular with consumers, higher-income consumers are steadfastly sticking to their preferred brands, new research from Roy Morgan shows. [ + ]
AIP recognises 125+ years of service
Five members of the packaging industry who have cumulatively contributed more than 125 years of service to the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) have been recognised for their work by the AIP. [ + ]
DSM signs Teavigo licensing agreement with Taiyo
DSM has signed a licensing agreement with Taiyo Kagaku that will transfer the Teavigo brand EGCG business to Taiyo. The deal will see Taiyo become the sole producer of the Teavigo product by the end of this year. [ + ]
3D printing to feed US soldiers
The US Army is looking at novel ways to feed its troops - including 3D printing food. Lauren Oleksyk, a food technologist with the NSRDEC, is investigating 3D applications for food processing and product development. [ + ]
Dairy processing is no new thing in Finland
Finland's love of milk is not a recent phenomenon as it seems that the ancient Finns were dairy farming at latitudes 60° north of the equator as long as 4500 years ago. [ + ]
Sustainability win for de-packaging unit
SITA Australia has won a 2014 Australian Business Award for Sustainability for its de-packaging unit that recycles both food packaging and its contents into valuable resources. [ + ]
Tannin could reduce allergenicity of peanut residues in food
Tannic acid has shown promising results as a scavenger of peanut allergens, meaning that it could be used to reduce or prevent allergic responses when allergic consumers accidentally ingest peanut residues. [ + ]
Sealord Group catches a new CEO
Steve Yung has been named as the new CEO of Sealord Group. Born in Canada, Yung was most recently managing director of McCain Foods Australia/New Zealand. [ + ]
Updated recommendations on infant and follow-on formula
The EFSA has updated its advice on formulas for infants and toddlers. The recommendations are included in a Scientific Opinion which reviews advice provided by the Scientific Committee on Food in 2003, taking into account more recent evidence. [ + ]
Successful open house for Jet Technologies
Jet Technologies had an impressive turnout at its open house event last Friday, with more than 120 visitors dropping by throughout the day to view the newly refurbished office and tour the warehouse and demo centre. [ + ]
Protecting your brand: event for FMCG companies
To help those in the FMCG sector understand risk, the AIFST has partnered with the AFGC to host a joint event: "Protecting your brands, business and back: Governance issues for officers and directors of FMCG businesses". [ + ]
Asian demand a boon to NZ food and beverage market
High-value foods and beverages are in demand in Asia - and New Zealand is cashing in on the trend. A new report published by the NZ government shows the increased demand is driving export growth and diversification in the country. [ + ]
Retail sales growth strong: AFGC CHEP Retail Index
Despite easing in the June quarter, year-on-year growth in retail sales remains strong, according to the 14th AFGC CHEP Retail Index. [ + ]
AUSPACK 2015 already 70% occupied
AUSPACK's 30th anniversary show is proving popular, with 70% of space already occupied. The event will be held on 24 to 27 March at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. [ + ]