Career upskilling: from food to product development chef
Former chef Zach Baudinet decided to take his years of food experience to the next level through TAFE NSW to become a product development chef. [ + ]
Hygienic design: keeps the bugs away
When sanitisation practices are insufficient, listeria can harbour and thrive in many pieces of equipment used in food processing plants, such as conveyor belts, slicers, dicers and peelers. [ + ]
Salty snack study: does size matter?
Food scientists have suggested that the size of individual salty snacks could have an effect on the quantity and speed at which they are consumed. [ + ]
Supermarkets inquiry: mandatory code of conduct recommended
The interim report, released Monday, says that the voluntary code of conduct should be mandatory, with penalties for breaches. [ + ]
Stop blaming COVID for supply chain issues
How a mix of supplier diversity, just-in-time, safety stock and economic order quantity will help food companies navigate potential global disruptions. [ + ]
Predictable puree: a smart food formulation approach
Using Vis-NIR spectroscopy to guide food formulation, scientists have created a model to reach consistent and predictable apple puree quality. [ + ]
Down to the factory floor: listeria insights at food processing facility
Despite extensive sanitation procedures, microbes such as listeria can occasionally breach food safety barriers. Researchers study the reasons — beginning at the factory floor. [ + ]
Rice being explored as a 'clean label' thickener
Polyphenols and proteins from pigmented waxy rice are being explored as a natural alternative to modified starch, which could have future uses for cereals, pudding or pasta. [ + ]
A taste of flavours on trend in 2024
Understanding the flavours, ingredients and trends that will shape what we consume is essential in guiding successful food innovation, according to Kerry ANZ. [ + ]
What's new on the shelf this Easter?
Paper artwork-inspired chocolate eggs, sweet chilli products on show and bite-sized Polly Waffles are heading for the shelves at Easter 2024. [ + ]
Sustainable plastic for biscuit packaging
Tim Tams could soon be wrapped in food-grade PET recycled packaging thanks to a new technology developed at UNSW. [ + ]
Meeting tomorrow's demands in the food & beverage industry
For companies to compete in Australia's $23 billion food and beverage industry, they must understand and overcome many challenges. [ + ]
Three ways scientists are working to improve kombucha brewing
Scientists are investigating ways to minimise alcohol levels, tailor tastes and optimise production of the fermented tea. [ + ]
Meaty mould: could it be the smart food of the future?
While a mould patty burger doesn't sound too appetising, fungi is being explored as a promising source of food innovation for the future and it could also be tasty. [ + ]
The Arnott's Group supports research to boost recycled packaging
The Arnott's Group is supporting a research partnership to help progress novel technologies that address the plastic packaging challenges facing the food and beverage industry. [ + ]