Milking growth in the dairy industry
In spite of Fonterra’s recent woes, a very positive picture is emerging for the dairy industry, especially in Asia and the Pacific region. [ + ]
Supplement producer mixes with the best
In 2004, Manumixx was producing around nine tonnes of product per week, with seven operating personnel. Looking to aggressively expand its operations, Manumixx purchased an IBC Blending & Discharge System from Matcon. [ + ]
Putting the bite in the bubble in the soft drink
Carbon dioxide bubbles are not directly responsible for the bite of carbonation. [ + ]
No bull: biogas recovery to reduce carbon bill
JBS Australia, the country's largest producer of meat products, has engaged Wiley to project manage the $8.7 million upgrade of its wastewater treatment system. [ + ]
Aggression, withdrawal and attention problems for young soft drink consumers
Soft drink consumption is claimed to be associated with aggression, depression and suicidal thoughts in adolescents - now researchers are looking at its effects on younger children. [ + ]
Food addiction: how processed food makes you eat more
Most people have the strong desire for a normal weight but in many developed countries such as Australia, only a minority are able to achieve it. Research recently published by Harvard provides an insight into why. [ + ]
Traceability, accurate data and modern technologies
Real-time track-and-trace solutions can ensure that a food product is accurately tracked at every stage of the supply chain but this is only useful if the data is reliable, has been accurately gathered and has not been tampered with. [ + ]
Responsiveness in recalls
The tentacles of a supply chain are far-reaching. There are so many players, steps and processes and therefore so many opportunities for error - human or otherwise. Every industry faces a degree of exposure as product moves down the line, but none is more vulnerable than food manufacture and processing, where the simplest of mistakes can have extreme consequences. [ + ]
Craft brewery installs CoMac equipment
CoMac has installed its machinery at the Three Taverns Brewery’s new brewery in Atlanta, Georgia. The brewery produces traditional Belgian-style beer with an American twist. [ + ]
The wheat beer phenomenon
Specialty beer is the principal market growth area in countries like Australia, New Zealand and Germany with long-established beer markets. No exception to this is the success of wheat beer. [ + ]
Compostable packaging for organic tea
Founded in 1994, Les Jardins de Gaïa produces Fair Trade, organic tea from near Strasbourg in France. As part of its philosophy of selling natural, organic products, the company wanted to wrap its tea in natural packaging. [ + ]
Kilcoy cuts costs with compressed air upgrade
Kilcoy Pastoral Company has reduced its energy expenditure by refurbishing its existing plant and installing new compressor equipment from Compressed Air and Power Solutions Australia (CAPS). [ + ]
Making frozen broccoli better
Having found that frozen broccoli lacks the ability to form the anticancer phytochemical sulforaphane, reasearchers have found how food processors can restore the health benefit to the vegetable. [ + ]
How safe is sous vide and low-temp cooking?
There is not a lot of data about the kill effectiveness of low-temperature cooking on the microbial load of foodstuffs. Now this problem is being remedied so we will know whether or not to order from the sous vide menu. [ + ]
Leaders stays in front with new packaging line
Finding that its existing weigher and bagger couldn’t keep up with increased demand for its IQF products, Leaders Products contacted John Redai from Reactive Engineering for a solution. [ + ]