Training & education

FSANZ extends comment period

06 March, 2006

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has extended to 31 March the period for comment on new proposals for a health claims standard that would allow disease risk reduction claims on food labelling.

Food safety experts doubt public understanding

02 March, 2006

A recent study shows that food safety experts have little confidence in the public's understanding of food risk issues. The study is published in the Journal of Food Safety.

Defending the import of Basa

22 February, 2006

The President of the Seafood Importers Association of Australia has publicly stated that imported seafood is safe, despite media reports that suggest otherwise.

Bulk materials handling exhibition launched

13 February, 2006

Bulkex 2006, a bulk materials handling exhibition, has been launched. To be held in Melbourne in September, the show focuses on everyone involved in the industry, from designers through suppliers, to end-users.

Encouragement for regional food processing

10 February, 2006

Agrifood businesses across Australia have been provided with $2 million to encourage more food processing in regional areas.

Risk assessment conference

03 February, 2006

Representatives of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), two international bodies that are at the forefront of the development of risk-based assessment for both chemical and microbiological hazards, will be in Australia for the first time next month to speak to food scientists on the current status of the science and its implementation.

FSANZ responds to health claims

02 February, 2006

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has refuted claims in the media it would not allow fresh fruit to have health claims as their naturally occurring sugar content was too high.

Providing regional customer solutions

13 January, 2006

With the acquisitions of well-established ingredient specialists Bronson & Jacobs (B&J), Woods & Woods (W&W) and Keith Harris (KH) in the last 15 months, adding to the previous acquisition of Fernz, Orica has established a platform on which to grow their food ingredients business in the region.

Engineering manager appointed

06 January, 2006

Simon Hall has been named applications engineering manager of Flexicon Corporation (Australia) by John Simonof, vice president of Worldwide Operations.

Comment sought on food code

23 December, 2005

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has released details of changes being considered to the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and has invited individuals and organisations with an interest in food standards to comment on the proposals. The changes include the fortification of cereal-based beverages with selected vitamins and minerals, two new GM foods, the addition of phytosterols to fruit juices and fruit drinks and an examination of benzoate and sulfite additives in food.

Aarhus and Karlshamn unite

12 December, 2005

The process of integration between the two former competitors Aarhus United and Karlshamn AB has been accelerating since the new company AarhusKarlshamn AB was established. The new company has the opportunity to combine deep knowledge of vegetable oils with extensive knowledge of the markets in Europe, Nafta, South America and Asia.

Cormack awards innovation

02 December, 2005

Cormack Packaging's annual Innovation Awards of 2005 are under way. The competition gives third year industrial design students from University of Technology Sydney and New South Wales University an opportunity to design an innovative closure suitable for the food and beverage industry.

Changes at Confoil

29 November, 2005

Food packaging manufacturer, Confoil has sold its display cabinet business known as Confoil Equipment as part of a strategy that will see Confoil focus on its core business of food packaging.

Australian heads world packaging machinery organisation

19 November, 2005

The chairman of the Australian Packaging Machinery Association, Mr Jim Strang, in accepting an invitation to become chairperson of the World Confederation of Packaging Machinery Associations, said: "The invitation to lead COPAMA represents recognition by 14 other national packaging machinery organisations that Australia has a vibrant and very important packaging machinery industry and that it is able to provide leadership and support services that contribute to the work of COPAMA.

New rules for halal certification

25 October, 2005

The new Export Control (Meat and Meat Products) Orders 2005 and the Export Control (Dairy Eggs and Fish) Orders 2005 have come into effect, removing prescriptive regulatory burdens on exporters and processors.

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