Hide processing facility
04 May, 2010 | Supplied by: Wiley & Co Pty Ltd
Wiley has completed a state-of-the-art hide processing facility for Swift Australia.
WITS warehouse management system
03 May, 2010 | Supplied by: TallShips Solutions
The What’s in the Shed (WITS) warehouse management system has been designed for small to medium-sized warehouses. It includes all the functions necessary to efficiently streamline operations without the complicated features required by larger warehouses.
Krones factory planning
03 May, 2010 | Supplied by: Krones (Thailand) Co Ltd
An optimally conceived beverage plant needs state-of-the-art technology with the best possible material flows in a responsively tailored building, with comprehensive IT networking and well-matched utilities. The owners of these production and bottling facilities prioritise not only flexibility and expandability, but also low capital investment and operating costs, coupled with qualitative and quantitative excellence, so as to achieve maximised profitability.
Harting Han-INOX 10B and 3A size stainless steel housing range
03 May, 2010 | Supplied by: HARTING Pty Ltd
The Han-INOX housing range, made of high-grade stainless steel, is highly resistant against aggressive substances and is suitable for applications in areas such as the food and beverage, processing technology and tough external environments.
Interworld Electronics ADP-11x6 series stainless steel monitors
05 April, 2010 | Supplied by: http://www.ieci.com.au/products/product_page9.asp?Product_ID=4390
The ADP-11x6 series stainless steel monitors are available with 15, 17 or 19″ TFT LCD screens and are sealed to IP65 specifications on five sides.
Cryonomic CIP 4 pelletiser
07 March, 2010 | Supplied by: Cryonomic
The CIP 4 hydraulic-operated pelletiser series offers a versatile and economical solution for producing dry ice.
MTA DE refrigerated air dryer range
03 March, 2010 | Supplied by: SCS Filtration Pty Ltd
SCS Filtration offers a comprehensive range of refrigerated air dryers from dryer and chiller manufacturer MTA. The range of DE dryer sizes range from 0.3 to 37.5 m3/min.
SMC Pneumatics HRS series thermochillers
03 March, 2010 | Supplied by: SMC Australia | New Zealand
The HRS series of lightweight and portable thermochillers is available in three cooling ranges, 1300, 1900 and 2300 W, in both air- and water-cooled models.
Chilling your juice
17 February, 2010 | Supplied by: Matsu Chilling Systems
Summit Matsu Chilling Systems has provided a reliable cooling solution for Grove Fruit Juice, supplying the company with two air-cooled chillers that are used for process cooling at several stages of production.
Freezer choices can reduce costs and environmental impact
08 January, 2010 | Supplied by: JBT
Energy efficiency is a major consideration for many food processors concerned about optimising operations without further impacting the environment. If processors can reduce their energy usage while maintaining production yield, food quality and equipment sanitation, they can achieve significant cost savings. Also, there are environmental and safety benefits to be gained if the quantity of refrigerant in their equipment can be reduced.
DMF International insulated sectional door
08 January, 2010 | Supplied by: DMF International Pty Ltd
DMF International has added an insulated sectional door to its range of door solutions. The doors are designed for use in loading docks and coolrooms as an alternative to sliding doors and roller shutters.
Han-Inox high-grade stainless steel housings
07 January, 2010 | Supplied by: HARTING Pty Ltd
Highly resistant to aggressive substances, Han-Inox housings, made of high-grade stainless steel, are suitable for maximum safety and security standards. They have been developed for applications in the processing industries, particularly food and beverage as well as the aerospace industry, transport, shipbuilding, mining, onshore and offshore industry and construction.
Carel EVD Evolution Twin refrigerant control valves and drivers
07 January, 2010 | Supplied by: Carel Australia
Carel has expanded its EXV sistema range of refrigerant control valves and drivers for capacity from 1 to 2000 kW.
Linfox’s new supply chain solution for Kraft
02 January, 2010 | Supplied by: Dematic Pty Ltd
A smart storage system, designed to suit the high volume stock movement profile of one of Australia’s largest food manufacturers, is a key feature of Linfox’s new supply chain solution for Kraft.
Trouble keeping Indian agriproduce cold
02 December, 2009
A 50% increase in cold storage facilities is needed in India if the country is to stop losing more than 30% of its post-harvest produce.