Bete HydroPulse nozzle for oiling and coating
01 October, 2018 | Supplied by: Spray Nozzle EngineeringThe HydroPulse from Bete provides a controlled intermittent liquid spray using only liquid pressure as the force for atomisation in addition to a drip-free performance.
Thermo Scientific LC IsoLink LC-IRMS
01 October, 2018 | Supplied by: Thermo Fisher ScientificThe LC IsoLink LC-IRMS is a high-sensitivity interface connecting high-performance liquid chromatography with Isotope Ratio MS for the reproducible and accurate online determination of carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) in individual compounds separated by HPLC.
If you are using polymer in your wastewater treatment process, you may want to read this
01 October, 2018 | Supplied by: Hydroflux Industrial Pty LtdPolyacrylamide-based polymers are used extensively in industrial water and wastewater treatment — and in food processing wastewaters, cationic polymers are the norm.
AutoJet Bread Scoring System
01 October, 2018 | Supplied by: Spraying Systems Co Pty LtdA bakery's bread scoring operations can be improved with the help of the advanced AutoJet Bread Scoring System to ensure high-quality, consistent results.
Coperion ZVB rotary valve
28 September, 2018 | Supplied by: CoperionCoperion has optimised its ZVB rotary valve design to provide gentle material handling, while maintaining the strict sanitary standards of the food industry.
Looking at microbes in a natural pickle
28 September, 2018Very little is known about the microbiomes involved in making pickles by natural fermentation where no starter microbial cultures or other media are used.
Going frozen — good for retailers and potential for bakers
28 September, 2018Par-baked and fully baked frozen breads, pastries and sweets are offering food manufacturers a new avenue for revenue.
Picking pecks of peppers by robot
28 September, 2018Teaching robots to harvest ripe peppers in greenhouses isn't for the faint-hearted.
CompAir Ultima oil-free compressor
27 September, 2018 | Supplied by: Gardner Denver Industries Pty LtdGardner Denver's CompAir Ultima oil-free compressor has two high-efficiency, permanent magnetic motors that replace the traditional gearbox design.
EXAIR 1/8 NPT No Drip External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles
26 September, 2018 | Supplied by: Compressed Air Australia Pty LtdEXAIR's 1/8 NPT No Drip External Mix Atomizing Spray Nozzles mix liquid and air outside the nozzle and allow the air and liquid flows to be adjusted independently.
Beating biofilms
26 September, 2018Slimy microbial biofilms are notoriously hard to eliminate but a microbubble-driven solution is coming.
ACCC warns milk processors about price claims
25 September, 2018Dairy processors have been blaming their private-label milk contracts with supermarkets for the low milk prices offered to farmers, but the ACCC has said this is misleading.
Achieving safe and efficient magnetic separation in pet food slurries
24 September, 2018 | Supplied by: Magnattack GlobalMagnattack Global has developed the RE80 HT Meat Emulsion & Slurry Pipeline Separator.
Dytran Instruments model 3525A3 IEPE quartz accelerometer
24 September, 2018 | Supplied by: Metromatics Pty LtdDytran Instruments has introduced the model 3525A3 single-axis IEPE hermetically sealed quartz accelerometer with a built-in impedance converting amplifier, capable of operating continuously at high temperatures up to 200°C.
GEA Capptronic HS sandwiching line
19 September, 2018 | Supplied by: GEA AustraliaThe Capptronic HS from GEA Comas allows users to produce sandwich, filled or spot-deposited biscuits directly in line with the baking oven.