Wide surface coverage air knife
01 June, 2008Exair’s 1372 mm Super Air Knife produces a laminar sheet of airflow to blowoff, dry or cool wide surfaces.
Static eliminator
01 June, 2008Ex-air’s 48" Super Ion air knife neutralises static electricity while blowing away dust and particulates from printed surfaces, paper, plastics and 3D shapes.
Apple juice filtration aid
10 April, 2008The enzyme Rapidase Optiflux has been specially developed to improve fruit juice flux rate during cross-flow filtration and reduce membrane plugging.
U Beaut Ute competition winner
07 June, 2007Fuchs Lubricants Australasia has announced the winner of the Geralyn U Beaut Ute competition.
Cartridge filters
11 December, 2006The Ultra-Web cartridge filters claim to create cleaner, safer air for workers, longer filter life and greater cost savings.
ClO2 disinfectant, sanitiser, algaecide, fungicide and slime inhibitor
13 July, 2005Selective Micro Technologies has announced that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conditionally approved Selectrocide, a chlorine dioxide product, as a disinfectant, sanitiser and algaecide for applications in the horticulture and food processing industries. Announcement of EPA approval follows only two weeks after Selective Micro Technologies announced an allowance by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use its chlorine dioxide product to wash fruits and vegetables.
Detectable components
17 February, 2005Dynamic Inspection has a range of plastic components that are metal detectable. Conventional metal detectors will detect even small pieces of components.
Canning lubricant
20 August, 2004Shell Cassida Fluid GLE 100, 150 and 220 are fully synthetic, high performance, anti-wear gear lubricants which were specifically designed for use in the food and beverage canning industry.
Food smoking chips
20 August, 2004The Rauchergold range of wood chips is specially prepared for food smoking. The range includes beech, oak, and fir species. Beech wood chips are used extensively throughout Europe for traditional smoked smallgoods. Fir is used for Black Forest style products and oak is preferred by fish smokers.