Why onions can taste bitter
23 August, 2018Scientists have found the bitter taste is caused by nine groups of new sulfur compounds, dubbed allithiolanes, which form when the onion is damaged.
Cattle, canals and E. coli
15 August, 2018The E. coli outbreak associated with romaine lettuce earlier this year may have been caused by a cattle feeding operation close to a canal, according to the FDA's hypothesis.
Technology for healthier hot chips
17 July, 2018At the University of Otago, Elea pulsed electric field processing equipment will be put to the test for large-scale French fries production.
JBT Corporation next-generation Fresh'n Squeeze Juicer
03 July, 2018JBT Corporation has launched the next generation of the Fresh'n Squeeze Multi Fruit Juicer that delivers a faster, more attractive and easy-to-operate version of the classic system.
Key Technology 14-roller Precision Size Grader
25 January, 2018Key Technology's 14-roller PSG provides four rollers more than previous systems to improve grading performance.
Can washing techniques make our roots more durable?
24 January, 2018If the shelf life of root vegetables can be increased by 14 days, root vegetable waste would decrease by 5% at the retail level and by 30% in consumers' homes, according to Danish researchers.
tna Florigo ultra-peel SSC 3 steam peeling
05 December, 2017tna has expanded its range of Florigo ultra-peel SSC 3 steam peeling solutions for potatoes, baby carrots and other vegetables to offer processors tailored steam peeling depending on their individual production requirements.
QUT researchers develop disease-resistant bananas
20 November, 2017A team of QUT researchers developed and grew genetically modified Cavendish bananas that were resistant to soilborne fungus Fusarium wilt tropical race 4 (TR4), also known as Panama disease.
GM tomatoes have anti-ageing properties
14 November, 2017Researches from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) collaborated with the Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes (CNRS, Strasbourg, France) to significantly boost the antioxidant properties in tomatoes.
Grow fresh fruit and veg inside your home
13 November, 2017 by Nichola MurphyStudents from the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have developed a form of vertical farming that aims to help people in impoverished areas who have limited access to fresh produce.
Kronen Mango Peeler and De-Cheeker
31 October, 2017The Mango Peeler and De-Cheeker by Kronen is a machine that peels large quantities of mangoes and removes the 'cheeks' in a single operation.
Pulsed electric field system in food processing
25 October, 2017Diversified Technologies has introduced a pulsed electric field (PEF) system which can process tonnes-per-hour of whole fruits and vegetables for downstream processing.
Reducing Salmonella contamination in mangoes
25 September, 2017Fresh produce almost needs to come with a food safety warning.
MycoTechnology plans to use US$35 million funding for mushroom protein plant
19 September, 2017 by Nichola MurphyMycoTechnology, an Aurora company that uses mushrooms to improve the taste of food and drinks, closed a US$35 million Series B round of financing with food investors worldwide.
More efficient conversion of potato waste to ethanol
24 August, 2017Penn State researchers have developed a novel approach to more efficiently convert potato waste into ethanol — a process that may lead to reduced production costs for biofuel in the future and add extra value for potato chip manufacturers.