Industry News
Logistics scholarships application call
Applications are now open for the Swisslog and Logistics Association of Australia (LAA) university scholarships.
[ + ]Food contaminant tests cut from six days to five hours
Scottish scientists have received funding to mass-produce a food testing kit that detects the presence of a host of potentially fatal contaminants within hours, making it the fastest technology of its type in the world.
[ + ]Women in Manufacturing Stepping Up Program 2008
The Women in Manufacturing Stepping Up Program will be offered again during 2008, following the success of the pilot program last year.
[ + ]IBM and OATSystems bring RFID downunder
IBM and OATSystems have announced that they will deliver the joint RFID solutions they have marketed successfully overseas to Australia and New Zealand.
[ + ]US acquires Australian labeller
One of Australia’s leading wine and spirits labeller, Collotype, could soon be taken over by the US labelling company, Multi-Color, after a letter of intent for the acquisition was announced last week.
[ + ]Food testing at Beijing Olympics
While the world’s athletes train for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, an American microbiologist has helped direct the international spotlight onto the host country’s food safety practices.
[ + ]Model predicts sweet corn quality
American scientists have developed a crop simulation model that can predict the quality and yield of sweet corn.
[ + ]Adept Electronic Solutions opens Melbourne office
Adept Electronic Solutions is opening an office in Melbourne and is celebrating with a Machine Vision Open Day on 22 November.
[ + ]UK market responds to artificial colouring concerns
UK food and beverage manufacturers have committed themselves to removing artificial colours from their products by the end of 2008, in reaction to a recent study that linked artificial colours to increased hyperactivity in children.
[ + ]Styrofoam containers replaced with starch
An American company has developed a novel class of biodegradable, mouldable containers that can hold food products in dry, damp or wet conditions.
[ + ]Folic acid fortification under question
Scientists at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) are concerned with the process of fortifying flour with folic acid, due to recent evidence of how it is absorbed by the body.
[ + ]Nutritional benefits of organic products
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has hailed preliminary findings from a four-year European Union (EU) study that indicate some organic foods are more nutritional than their non-organic counterparts.
[ + ]CSR value-adding local sugar crops
CSR Ethanol Agservices was awarded the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Value-Adding Award at the 2007 NAB Agribusiness Awards for Excellence in Melbourne yesterday.
[ + ]Australians not eating enough grain
A national consumer education campaign promoting consumption of at least four serves of grain-based foods a day for optimum health was launched this week in Sydney.
[ + ]Spoiling fruit and vegetables have more antioxidants: study
Belgian scientists have reported that fruits and vegetables do not lose any antioxidant content in the days after purchase, even as tell-tale signs of spoilage appear.
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