Industry News
New lactose manufacturing plant for Denmark
Arla Foods Ingredients has revealed plans to invest €120 million in a new lactose manufacturing facility in Denmark. [ + ]
The celebration continues as Coopers retains anniversary product
Coopers has announced it will retain its Celebration Ale as a permanent line. The product was introduced in 2012 to celebrate the brewer’s 150th anniversary. [ + ]
Aspartame is not toxic, says EFSA
Aspartame has been accused of causing a seemingly endless list of health conditions. However, a recent assessment by the EFSA suggests that the sweetener is not toxic at current levels of exposure. [ + ]
Queensland chicken growers get collective-bargaining go-ahead
Queensland broiler chicken growers have received authorisation from the ACCC to collectively bargain with three major poultry processors in the state. [ + ]
Melamine involved in further health concerns
Taiwanese researchers have found that people eating hot soup from melamine bowls excreted higher levels of melamine in their urine than those eating from ceramic bowls. [ + ]
Patent awarded for stevia extraction process
Sweet Green Fields has been granted a patent in Japan for its proprietary high-purity stevia extraction process, the Fast Precipitation Process (FPP). [ + ]
US appetite for high-protein products grows
Introductions of foods and drinks making a high-protein claim are almost three times higher in the US than anywhere else in the world, accounting for 19% of global new product launches in 2012. [ + ]
Cleaning products and flour can increase risk of asthma
Working with cleaning products, flour or enzymes can increase your risk of adult-onset asthma, a new study from Imperial College London has shown. [ + ]
2013 APPMA Awards of Excellence reminder
APPMA has issued a gentle reminder that submissions for the 2013 APPMA Awards of Excellence are due in March. The awards recognise innovative and outstanding packaging and processing solutions. [ + ]
800 new additions to Food Fraud Database
The US Pharmacopeial Convention has added nearly 800 new records of ‘food fraud’ to its Food Fraud Database, which contains information about foods that are vulnerable to fraudulent manipulation in today’s food supply. [ + ]
Buy funny fruit to reduce food waste
A few simple actions like buying oddly shaped fruit and freezing food could dramatically reduce the 1.3 billion tonnes of lost or wasted food each year, according to a new global campaign to cut food waste. [ + ]
Would you like fries with that nutrition information?
McDonald’s take-away bags and fountain beverage cups will get a redesign in 2013, with packaging to include QR codes to give consumers greater information about its products. [ + ]
Lupin hailed as secret ‘wonder food’
The humble lupin is being hailed as Australia’s secret ‘wonder food’. The high-protein, high-fibre legume has an effect on satiation and satiety, which plays a role in weight management. [ + ]
Consultation on the draft Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern
The Attorney-General’s Department is seeking feedback on the draft National Code of Practice for Chemicals of Security Concern. [ + ]
Diabetes Council welcomes new labelling laws
The Australian Diabetes Council (ADC) has welcomed the introduction of the new Standard 1.2.7 - Nutrition, Health and Related Claims, which became law on 18 January 2013. [ + ]