Industry News
New definition for 'whole-grain' food
A Europe-based partnership between cereal scientists from academia and industry, Healthgrain Forum, has defined whole-grain foods. [ + ]
Self-disposing — got to be simpler than recycling
Soft drink bottles and beer cans that simply disappear when they are no longer needed mayn't be as pie in the sky as we all imagine. [ + ]
Salt plant makes 75% of the power it needs
An NZ salt manufacturer is adding battery energy storage to its wind turbine so it will only need to get around 25% of its power from the grid. [ + ]
New use for waste cooking oil
In a win-win for a cleaner planet, scientists have devised a way to use waste cooking oil and sulfur to extract mercury, a neurotoxin, from the environment. [ + ]
Spending on supplements is increasing in the elderly
Research published in Nutrition and Dietetics looked at the average food expenditure in Australian residential aged-care facilities (RACFs) and found that budget cuts impacted the nutritional health of the elderly. [ + ]
Sustainable biscuit pack from Brazilian eucalyptus trees
Ooh-la-la tea biscuits are being packed in a sustainable and fully compostable share bag manufactured with a substrate that includes Brazilian eucalyptus trees. [ + ]
Is your company's WHS up to date?
Nothing will kill a company faster than an adverse workplace health and safety incident. Are you sure your company is au fait with the latest industrial safety polices, research, services and equipment? [ + ]
Australia enters the World Trophy of Pastry Ice Cream Chocolate
With Italy being renowned for its gelato, it is no surprise to hear that it will be hosting the 2017 World Trophy of Pastry Ice Cream Chocolate at Host, Fiera Milano. [ + ]
Ambitious plan to grow Australia's fruit and vegetable exports
A plan to export 40% more vegetables within the next three years is being implemented by Hort Innovation. [ + ]
You don't have to eat food to get fat — just smell it
The odour of what we eat may play an important role in how the body deals with calories. If you can't smell your food, you may burn it rather than store it. [ + ]
Jail for horsemeat fraudsters
Three businessmen who passed off horsemeat as beef in a simple grab for profit have been convicted of fraud, with two being given custodial sentences and one a suspended sentence. [ + ]
JBT buys into powder filling
JBT Corporation has purchased an English provider of powder filling systems, PLF International, for £28 million. [ + ]
What gets dirtier the more you clean it? A sponge
Professor Markus Egert of Furtwangen University looked at 14 used sponges under the microscope and found 362 different types of bacteria. [ + ]
Hannapak goes to WestRock for $75 million
The Hanna Group (Hannapak), one of Australia's leading providers of folding cartons, has been acquired by WestRock Company. [ + ]
Xtreme Eating Awards 2017 shame restaurants
Calorie counting and dieting are not for everyone, but the Xtreme Eating Awards by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) highlight some of the most calorific and unhealthy options from popular food chains in America. [ + ]