Anti-COVID surface spray with commercial cleaning potential
A team led by Dr Heather Shewan from the University of Queensland’s School of Chemical Engineering set out to create a spray for use on various surfaces to kill COVID-19 and bacteria such as E. coli and staphylococcus aureus.
The spray contains a protein that allows it to stick to surfaces and remain effective for 24 hours and is being assessed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for commercial cleaning use.
“We used hydrolysed gelatine which essentially helps create a thin film that allows the spray to stick on surfaces and can stay there for at least a day and potentially longer,” Shewan said.
“This durability means it is effective over a longer period than a standard cleaner and has the potential to be used in high-use areas such as in public transport, kitchens, hotels, retail outlets, hospitals and public areas.”
The research has been undertaken in partnership with Australian cleaning product manufacturer OzKleen, with the protein supplied by Beaudesert company GELITA Australia.
Shewan enlisted the help of virologist Dr Kirsty Short and microbiologist Dr Deirdre Mikkelsen to provide the multidisciplinary expertise required.
The team used several methods to test the spray, which is claimed to be cost-effective to manufacture and not harmful to the environment.
“In one test we sprayed glass surfaces with the cleaner and let it dry on the surface, and after 24 hours we added the COVID virus and further testing showed it did not survive,” Short said.
“We also conducted other tests that showed even after rinsing surfaces with water, the spray significantly reduced the amount of virus that was able to survive on stainless steel.”
OzKleen CEO Mark Quinn said the spray would be manufactured and produced in Queensland and potentially exported across the world.
Queensland Innovation Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the research was made possible through an Advance Queensland Industry Fellowship grant of $90,000 and the product is gaining international attention.
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