Europe approves HMO mix for infant formula
The 6’-SL HMO from Chr. Hansen has been approved for highest use levels in infant formula and follow-on formula in Europe. The HMO 6’-Sialyllactose sodium salt, marketed under the trademark MyOli 6’-SL HMO, is now authorised for the EU market under proprietary protection for five years. The EU authorisation includes the highest use level for 6’-SL in infant formula and follow-on-formula (0.70 g/L) in the EU.
The ingredient may reduce the risk of adhesion of harmful bacteria and proteins during infant brain development by supplying sialic acid, an essential building block for neurons.
Chr. Hansen now has EU authorisation for all five HMOs in its MyOli 5 HMO Mix, which contains 2’-FL, 3-FL, LNT, 3’-SL and 6’-SL.
Jesper Sig Mathiasen, Chr. Hansen HMO senior vice president, said the company can now supply the five HMOs and bring infant nutrition solutions closer to breast milk.
HMOs are the third most abundant solid component of breast milk and are known in many different variations. The benefits stem from the structural diversity of HMOs.
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