Higher energy efficiency through the optimal interaction of system components
12 February, 2009As energy costs climb, companies are becoming more and more interested in improving energy productivity and efficiency. Luckily there are many ways this can be cost-effectively achieved.
DEB - Potato powr for HJ Heinz
03 June, 2008Power from potato peel is just one of the approaches HJ Heinz is using to reduce its environmental footprint and implement its sustainability goals.
Heinz raises energy efficiency
29 March, 2007It is claimed that a new energy centre for a UK Heinz factory will be 14% more efficient due to help from ABB drives
Pump drive saves energy
19 January, 2007Traditionally, pumps are started 'DOL' or direct on line. By that we mean when there is demand for (example) water, the operator throws a switch or closes a contactor and the pump turns on
Reducing energy use in an industrial tea drier
11 December, 2006Drying is the major process used at the Nerada Tea Estates plant in North Queensland, the largest tea growing and processing enterprise in Australia, where green leaf tea is converted into dry black tea
Savings through refrigeration energy management control
06 February, 2006Businesses can benefit significantly by moving towards energy management practices. Energy management can be incorporated into existing business systems to provide an integrated approach to business sustainability
Generating recycled raw materials and energy from food industry wastes
02 October, 2004Organic materials from food industry waste streams will be converted into energy and value-added products such as biodegradable plastics and hydrogen using innovative technologies being developed at the University of South Australia.