Gelita collagen protein solution
28 June, 2011 byGelita has developed a number of ingredient concepts based on collagen proteins.
Woolworths bread now salt reduced
10 May, 2011Woolworths store-baked soft white bread now contains 25% less salt and the company has also reduced salt in its wholemeal, grain and sourdough breads.
Mycoprotein safe for average consumer
03 March, 2011Research suggests that while most people can consume Quorn products safely, certain people who already react to fungi or moulds may may also react to Quorn.
Dioxin content in food products safe for consumers
08 February, 2011The public authorities of the Federal Laender, as well as members of the specialist organisations of the agricultural sector, have analysed numerous samples of eggs, meat, dairy products and feedstuffs to determine their dioxin contents.
Nano-silver not recommended for food
30 June, 2010The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany recommends manufacturers avoid the use of nanoscale silver or nanoscale silver compounds in foods until such time that the data are comprehensive enough to allow a conclusive risk assessment which would ensure that products are safe for consumer health.
Natural antimicrobial for fresh produce
28 August, 2009 byHerbal-Active is a freshly fragrant, pale green powder which contains a naturally derived mixture of essential oils from common culinary herbs. A simple 1% solution of Herbal-Active in water and used as a dip will safely and effectively work as a powerful antimicrobial, removing the moulds which accelerate the spoilage of food and also kill the food pathogens which can make people sick.
Less salt, better health
13 February, 2008 by Jessica Starreveld and Elizabeth Latham,JournalistAustralians are consuming 5-10 times more salt than they need, according to Associate Professor Bruce Neal, chairman of Australia Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH)
Energy drink market booming in NZ
17 December, 2007New Zealand is in contention to be one of the top five consumer countries for energy drinks, while the US market rockets into first place, according to the latest report by global drinks consultancy Zenith International.
Manufacturers with a fresh perspective on additives and preservatives
21 September, 2007Food and drink manufacturers have turned their backs on additives and preservatives, preferring to go 'au naturel' and launch more 'additive- and preservative-free' products than ever before.
Claimed link between phthalates exposure and obesity is 'hard to swallow'
27 April, 2007Experts who have reviewed a paper claiming a link between phthalates exposure and obesity say that the study should be taken with a large grain of salt.
Fluoride for bottled water?
03 April, 2006The Australian beverages industry has lodged an application seeking permission to voluntarily add a maximum of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride to packaged waters. The application to Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) was lodged by the Australian Beverages Council in conjunction with the Australasian Bottled Water Institute.
Preservatives in food report
19 December, 2005Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has released the results of its 21st Australian Total Diet Survey (ATDS) of preservatives in food.
Add preservatives to the packaging not the food
17 February, 2005No one wants food that has gone mouldy - least of all when they have only just purchased the product. But consumers are not exactly wild about food preservatives either. Packaging researchers are now introducing coated films to fight the battle of the bacteria.