Carbohydrate claims can mislead consumers
08 September, 2010Front-of-pack nutrition claims seem to be misinterpreted by consumers, who give more credence to the claims than is warranted.
Food with added anthrax protection
31 August, 2010An antibacterial enzyme found in human tears and other body fluids could be applied to certain foods for protection against intentional contamination with anthrax.
Delaying fat digestion to curb appetite
23 August, 2010Scientists have been experimenting with using protein layers to stabilise emulsions and delay fat digestion until the fatty acids reach the ileum where their presence stimulates satiety-inducing hormones.
Full-fat dairy not responsible for heart attack deaths
05 August, 2010A new Australian study has found that eating full-fat dairy may reduce the risk of cardiovascular-related death.
How virgin olive oil fights heart disease
02 July, 2010New research suggests that the polyphenols in virgin olive oil modify the expression of atherosclerosis-related genes, leading to health benefits.
Salt reduction at heart of new NZ agreement
11 June, 2010The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) and the Heart Foundation have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to share information and avoid duplication of effort as they attempt to rein in New Zealanders' salt intake.
TV food advertisements promote imbalanced diets
09 June, 2010A diet consisting entirely of advertised foods would contain 25 times the recommended servings of sugars and 20 times the recommended servings of fat but less than half of the recommended servings of vegetables, dairy and fruits according to US researchers.
Flaws in Duke University statement about high fructose corn syrup
22 March, 2010Duke University incorrectly singled out high fructose corn syrup as being responsible for scarring in the liver and other liver diseases when the underlying study for the release reviewed dietary intake of fructose containing beverages - not high fructose corn syrup.
Effect of saturated fats on cardiovascular disease questioned
11 March, 2010A meta-analysis involving nearly 350,000 people has not found that saturated fat consumption is associated with cardiovascular disease.
Studying genetics could lead to tailored diets for better disease prevention
09 March, 2010Personal health recommendations and diets tailored to better prevent diseases may be in our future, just by focusing on genetics.
Resources about European traditional foods
10 December, 2009A collection of new resources on European traditional foods has been released by The British Nutrition Foundation, on behalf of the European Food Information Resource (EuroFIR) project.
Zeaxanthin Association formed
26 August, 2009The Zeaxanthin Trade Association has been formed with the aim to increase understanding and awareness about dietary zeaxanthin.
Gene breakthrough secures crops’ future
22 July, 2009University of Newcastle researchers have achieved a major scientific breakthrough in the quest to protect crop longevity, yield and quality.
Food allergies and delayed anaphylaxis
19 May, 2009A novel and severe allergic response, called delayed anaphylactic shock, has been found to be triggered by an IgE antibody that binds to a sugar molecule known as galactose-α-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal). So far, evidence strongly suggests that tick bites are triggering the production of alpha-gal antibodies.
MRSA in food and animals
01 April, 2009The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published an opinion on the public health significance of MRSA in animals and foods.