FSANZ recommends fluoride in bottled water

Thursday, 20 March, 2008

The lack of fluoride in the average New Zealand diet has led to a recommendation by Food Standards Australia New Zealand that bottled water companies be permitted to voluntarily add the mineral to selected brands.

Tony Gentile, executive director of the Australasian Bottled Water Institute, welcomed the decision.

“The bottled water industry is in the business of providing choice and convenience to its consumers. This recommendation, if adopted by the Australia New Zealand Food Regulations Ministerial Council, will enable us to provide our consumers with an additional choice when purchasing bottled water,” he said.

Unfluoridated water will still be available to consumers, though.

“We understand that many of our consumers currently purchase bottled water as they wish to avoid consuming fluoride and it is important that they always be given a choice. Fluoridated bottled water brands will be clearly marked as such on the front panel of containers,” said Gentile.

The recommended maximum levels for the voluntary addition of fluoride to bottled water are the same as those currently permitted for municipal water supplies. The application was lodged by the industry with support from the Australian Dental Association.

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