ISO standard for food safety measures

Thursday, 06 December, 2007

Recent food safety incidents, the significant consequences on health and the recall of certain food products from the market are all pertinent reasons for countries to strengthen their food safety systems and to be more vigilant with food producers and traders.

The purpose of International Standard ISO 7218:2007, Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs — General requirements and guidance for microbiological examinations, is to help to ensure the validity of food microbiology examinations. It aims to assist in ensuring that the examining techniques are the same in all laboratories, to help achieve homogeneous results in different laboratories and to contribute towards the safety of the laboratory personnel by preventing risks of infection.

The standard also incorporates the revamped requirements on equipment metrology and quality management in laboratories as well as the new technological developments in food microbiological examinations.

The standard applies to the microbiology of food, animal feeding stuffs, the food production environment and the primary production environment (breeding). It covers examination for bacteria, yeasts and moulds and is suitable if supplemented with specific guidance for prions, parasites and viruses.

For more information on the standard, visit

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