Folic acid now mandatory in bread-making flour in Australia

Friday, 11 September, 2009

The addition of folic acid to the flour used to make bread is mandatory after 13 September this year. It is hoped this will lead to a reduction in the number of pregnancies affected by neural tube defects, by up to 14%.

Dr Paul Brent, Chief Scientist for Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), said that, in Australia, approximately 300 to 350 pregnancies are affected each year by a neural tube defect like spina bifida.

“We have permitted the food industry to voluntarily add folic acid to foods such as bread, fruit juices, yeast extracts and breakfast cereal for more than 10 years. There have also been many education campaigns to encourage women to take folic acid supplements. While this has increased women’s intake of folic acid they are still not reaching the required level of 400 micrograms a day,” Brent said.

“The National Health and Medical Research Council recommends that women who are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, should take a folic acid supplement at least one month before and three months after conception to reduce the risk of birth defects. Up to 50% of pregnancies in Australia are unplanned so, while some women may be aware of the need to take supplements, this may not occur at the right time.

“Adding folic acid to bread provides a safety net for women to help protect their babies against these birth defects.

“Mandatory fortification is intended to boost the folic acid intake women already get from voluntarily fortified foods and supplements. More than 80% of women of child-bearing age in Australia eat bread and, on average, these women eat about two slices per day.

“As it isn’t possible for women to consume enough folic acid from a well-balanced diet, we have now made the addition of folic acid compulsory for bread-making flour. The only exception is organic flour which is not required to contain folic acid because of the rules about organic food.

“FSANZ has spent many years looking at all the folic acid scientific studies available, in consultation with our expert groups that included Australian and international health experts. We have concluded that the mandatory addition of low levels of folic acid to bread will greatly reduce the risk of babies being born with spina bifida and that it is safe for the whole Australian community.

“Mandatory folic acid addition to flour has been used safely in the United States and Canada for over 10 years where rates of spina bifida have significantly decreased. Australian health authorities will be monitoring the effects of the increased levels of folic acid in the food supply.

“We congratulate flour millers and manufacturers on getting the job done in readiness for the deadline. Bread is an important part of a balanced diet,” Brent concluded.

The folic acid mandatory fortification standard was developed by FSANZ at the request of the Australia and New Zealand Food Regulation Ministerial Council that consists of health and food ministers from the Australian federal, state and territory governments.

There is more information about folic acid for consumers and health professionals, including a web seminar, on the FSANZ website.

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