AFGC supports review of anti-dumping laws

Monday, 21 February, 2011

The Coalition’s commitment to establish a new taskforce to review Australia’s anti-dumping laws which are affecting the competitiveness, jobs and viability of Australia’s largest manufacturing sector has been applauded by the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC).

As part of a previous election pledge, Shadow Industry Minister Sophie Mirabella has offered to lead the taskforce to examine the problems with the current regime, allowing foreign companies to ‘dump’ cheap imported products on Australian markets.

AFGC Chief Executive Kate Carnell said: “Industry welcomes the Coalition’s pledge to reassess Australia’s anti-dumping laws to ensure local manufacturers’ products remain competitive and aren’t undercut by imported, heavily subsidised products,” Carnell said. “For the taskforce to be effective, industry would need to be prominently represented.”

“AFGC’s recent State of the Industry 2010 report found, for the first time in decades, the food and grocery manufacturing industry is now a net importer of food and grocery products.

“The rise in the value of the Australian dollar and increases in the costs of manufacturing have made this situation worse.”

Last year, AFGC urged the federal government to reverse its decision to lift anti-dumping duties on discounted toilet paper imported from Indonesia and China, which are not subject to the same quality and sustainability standards as Australian-made tissue.

“Dumped imported toilet tissue is causing significant harm to industry and Australian jobs in SA and Victoria,” Carnell said.

“The removal of anti-dumping duties undermines the sustainability of Australian industry and runs counter to the government’s sustainability agenda.”

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