Turning up the heat on cold storage

Sunday, 02 November, 2008

WorkSafe Victoria has released new guidance to help improve safety in Victoria’s cold storage operations.

Safe operation of cold storage facilities has been designed to provide information on how to meet workplace safety requirements, taking into account the unique working environment of cold storage facilities.

Two information sessions in September provided employers, health and safety representatives and workers with an opportunity to learn more.

The acting director of WorkSafe’s Logistics and Agriculture Industry Program, Ross Pilkington, said musculoskeletal injuries remained the most common injury in cold storage operations.

“The new guidance, developed with industry input, will help companies make OHS improvements and improve knowledge of solutions to specific risks.

“While some people think improving workplace safety is expensive, the fact is that the ongoing costs of a workplace injury can far outweigh the initial costs of upgrading safety in your workplace,” he said.

Of the 141 workplace injury claims made in 2006-07, more than half were for musculoskeletal disorders. Other main types of injuries included crush injuries and open wounds.

Body stressing caused half of the injuries, with the other main causes being falls, trips and slips.

Pilkington said injury rates in cold storage operations were too high.

“The cold storage industry experienced a 58% increase in claims in 2006-07 compared with the previous year.

“The claims rate in the industry is 54.95. That means out of every 1000 employees working in cold storage in 2006-07, around 55 were injured.

“This compares with the all-Victorian rate of 11.32 injuries per 1000 workers.

“The release of this guidance provides an ideal opportunity to make any necessary upgrades.”

Pilkington urged employers to involve their staff in the process.

“Working with all your staff in implementing improvements encourages ownership and, therefore, there is a better chance of success.”

Free handbook

The Worksafe Victoria handbook, ‘Safe operation of cold storage facilities - A handbook for workplaces’, is designed to help employers and people working in the cold storage industry identify health and safety hazards and implement appropriate risk controls. The handbook also provides advice for cold storage facility employers on how to ensure they comply with their duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.

The handbook can be downloaded for free from the Worksafe Victoria website, www.worksafe.vic.gov.au.

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