Green production & compressed air systems

Atlas Copco Compressors Australia
Monday, 13 September, 2021

Green production & compressed air systems

Compressed air is often referred to as the “fourth utility” because in manufacturing it is used nearly as frequently as water, electricity and gas. It is important to keep in mind, however, that producing compressed air requires a lot of energy. In fact, electricity costs make up the vast majority of the total cost of ownership of an air compressor — up to 80%. The initial investment in the compressor itself only constitutes 10% of the total cost, with maintenance costs accounting for the rest. That is why it is imperative for any business using compressed air to never lose sight of the total cost of compressor ownership and to keep energy consumption and operating costs down as much as possible.

“Going green” is much more than a trendy slogan. By switching to environmentally friendly technologies and processes, companies can save a lot of money, reduce their carbon footprint and reap a lot of other benefits. Protecting the environment is increasingly important to the general public, which means that going green will help attract and retain customers and employees.

In a world that is increasingly environmentally conscious, consumers want to spend their hard-earned money on products that will not harm the planet and are made by companies that are doing their part.

However, not all businesses are ready to embrace the need for “going green.” One reason is that many executives still believe that green investments are prohibitively expensive. Nothing could be further from reality.

In many cases, the return on investment of environmentally friendly technology is excellent. While the initial purchase price may be higher, this equipment will quickly pay for itself through energy savings, visible on the electricity bill. On a very small scale, think of traditional lightbulbs and the more expensive LED lights. Sure, the latter is more expensive, but they outlast their predecessors by years and consume much less energy.

The same is true for many other green investments — on a much larger scale.

Going green has many benefits apart from the return on investment (ROI). Here are just a few:

Energy savings

Energy savings are a major economic benefit. In the case of an air compressor, for example, electricity costs make up 80% of the total cost of ownership. As a result, an energy-efficient model will quickly pay for itself.

Tax credits and other benefits

Many governments now offer tax credits and other benefits for purchasing environmentally friendly technology, which speeds up ROI even more. This is especially true now that many countries have committed to meeting ambitious emissions goals in the near future.

The industrial sector greatly contributes to an economy’s total energy consumption, so offering these tax credits to manufacturers makes a lot of sense. Governments not only try to meet their emissions targets through incentives, but also through more stringent regulations.

Tighter government emission standards

Hoping to meet their climate change goals, governments are increasingly putting in place regulations to reduce pollution and promote efficiency. As a result, companies purchasing outdated equipment now may soon find themselves on the wrong side of tighter emission standards. Only investments in cutting-edge, green technology can ensure that machinery will be in compliance with new environmental rules for a long time to come.

Going green is the right thing to do

The overwhelming majority of scientists, and study after study, tell us that the planet is warming at a rate that will radically change how humans live on it. In fact, natural disasters like droughts, wildfires, floods, and storms are already gaining in strength.

That’s why it is easy to see why people want the companies they buy from to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. Green investments are one way to show consumers that your business shares their values and is determined to play its part in preserving habitable earth. That does not just help the planet.

Attracting customers and building brand loyalty

Research and polling have shown that customers increasingly value companies that help protect the environment. In the age of social media, this is especially important. Businesses do not want to be branded as polluters or as dragging their feet on switching to green technologies. Always keep in mind that nobody has been boycotted yet for consuming too little energy or being too green.

Becoming an attractive employer

Your green investments could also end up being an investment in the next generation of skilled employees. Young people are especially concerned about the environment. That makes sense because, unless drastic actions are taken, they will feel the negative consequences that will be the result of a changing climate.

If you were a bright, well-educated, and/or well-trained person looking to enter the workforce or taking the next step on the career ladder, wouldn’t you prefer to work for a company that is seen as an industry leader when it comes to being environment-friendly?

Increasing job satisfaction

Your commitment to “going green” — from using recycled products to planting trees, from subsidising public transportation to making green investments — will increase the job satisfaction of environment-conscious employees and help you retain your best workers.

Going green means improved occupational safety and health, for example by providing cleaner air at work. That, in turn, means fewer sick days and a healthier, more energetic staff.

Calculate your estimated payback time

Calculate your estimated energy savings and payback time in our compressor payback estimator. Simply use the slider to adapt the following parameters

  • Yearly running hours
  • Evaluation period
  • Efficiency improvement
  • Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your current compressor
  • Power, investment, maintenance and installation cost of your new green compressor

and read your results in a minute!

As you can see, from direct financial benefits to marketing considerations and staff recruitment and retention, green investment is not just a smart investment in the present but also in the future.

So, here’s how we can help you with our energy-efficient green production systems

There is something admirable about trying to squeeze every bit of performance out of an ageing machine. That in itself is a form of sustainability and resource preservation. However, in the case of air compressors, this is often neither efficient nor environmentally friendly. With cutting edge variable speed drive technology that reduces energy use and energy costs by up to 50 percent, not upgrading to a new compressor is often much more wasteful than sticking with an old model.

The need for resource preservation and energy-efficient equipment has never been greater than today. Fuels that we once believed would be in endless supply are either running out or are no longer viable energy sources — both for economic and environmental reasons. This has led to a radical shift in how we view energy. While it used to be something we thought we could consume at will, it is now seen as a precious resource that has to be preserved. So how do you choose the most energy-efficient solution, VSD or fixed speed compressors for your production?

Call or email us today and we will happily go through the process every step of the way.

Atlas Copco Compressors

1800 023 469

Green solutions for production - Atlas Copco Australia

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