Searching for the most popular vegan brands
Maxima Kitchen Equipment has conducted research on how often people searched for various vegan brands. It analysed searches for 100 brands to gain insight into their popularity online.
Beyond Meat is the most searched for vegan brand in the world. The popularity of this brand eclipses its rivals, with over double the monthly searches of its nearest competitor. This plant-based meat company has seen investment from the likes of Bill Gates and is the most searched for brand in numerous countries.
Oatly comes in second in the search rankings and is the most searched for vegan brand in Australia. The company develops oat-based milks and dairy products.
Quorn, the UK-based meat alternative, comes in third, with slightly fewer than 100,000 searches per month and JUST Egg, an egg-alternative company, trails closely at its heels with just 1000 fewer searches a month.
After this point there is a heavy drop-off in popularity, with Follow Your Heart and Allplants seeing around 30,000 searches per month and HIPPEAS at a modest 18,000.
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