KitKat's new packaging gives environment a break

Nestle Professional

Monday, 06 June, 2022

KitKat's new packaging gives environment a break

Nestlé has announced that it will be packaging its Australian KitKat bars in a wrapper that uses recycled content. The plastic will be manufactured by Huhtamaki and is certified through International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) as being sustainable.

30% of the new packaging’s content will be made up of recycled material that has been allocated using the mass balance approach to mix virgin and recycled plastics. The swap to recycled content has been driven by Nestlé’s aim of cutting its virgin plastics use by a third by 2025.

“Introducing recycled content in our packaging will make a significant impact against our 2025 ambition. We’ve implemented a number of changes to reduce our use of virgin plastic, but this switch, the first of its kind, will be a huge step change,” said Nestlé Oceania General Manager Chris O’Donnell.

“We know consumers want our packaging to use more recycled content, so we’re delighted to deliver the KitKat 45 g bar as Australia’s first food product to be wrapped in soft plastic made with recycled content.

“For KitKat fans, the news is all good. The 30% recycled plastic wrapper will keep KitKat bars crisp, fresh and delicious, while we focus on giving the planet a break. When they’re finished, they can continue to recycle their wrappers through the REDcycle scheme.”

The recycled packaging is also notable for being Nestlé’s first plastic food wrapper worldwide to use recycled content.

“Soft plastic with recycled content that’s suitable for food packaging isn’t widely available anywhere in the world — we’ve been searching high and low to find as much of this material as we can from our suppliers. As more becomes available we’re hoping to increase the amount we can source for our packaging.

“We’re focused on less packaging, better packaging and better systems. This is a big step in the right direction but we’re not at our end destination yet. This is a journey of ongoing innovation.

“In the meantime, we’ve committed to invest CHF 2 billion [almost $3 billion] globally to stimulate the market and lead the shift from virgin plastics to food-grade recycled plastics.”

The chocolate bars will be swapping to the more sustainable packaging within the next year. Read more about the packaging online:

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