Arnott's is on target with its third annual Sustainability Report
The Arnott’s Group has recorded progress against its targets in its third annual Sustainability Report, with headway in the areas of emissions reduction and tracking, packaging recyclability and sustainable sourcing of ingredients.
The Group has also released its ‘Reflect’ Reconciliation Action Plan, a framework to develop improved cultural awareness across the business, promoting reconciliation and establishing partnerships with First Nations businesses and peoples.
George Zoghbi, Arnott’s Group CEO, said he was proud of the strides the business had taken amid external pressures, such as rising inflation and global supply chain challenges.
“Despite these pressures, The Arnott’s Group has remained laser-focused on progress in this space, recognising that our sustainability challenges and our business ambitions are inextricably linked — and that to overcome the challenges of the future, you must weather the challenges of the present.”
The Arnott’s sustainability strategy is focused on four targets: sourcing 100% of its key ingredients sustainably by 2035; achieving net zero emissions scope 1 and 2 by 2040 and scope 3 by 2050; meeting 2025 National Packaging Targets; and developing connections with the community. The Group is progressing on track or ahead of schedule with all four targets.
According to its FY23 Sustainability Report, Arnott’s provided Australian consumers with almost 320 million servings of whole grains, 1.2 million kg of fibre, 140 million servings of vegetables and 36.5 million servings of fruit.
Other key highlights in the report include:
- The installation of 2100 solar panels across two manufacturing sites and corporate head office as part of Arnott’s plan to transition to 100% renewable electricity at these sites by 2029.
- Eliminating 500+ tonnes of packaging from its products.
- 98% of Australian ingredient and packaging suppliers committing to The Arnott’s Group’s Responsible Supplier Code.
- One-third of products sold in Australia having Health Star Ratings of 3.5 or higher, two years ahead of schedule.
- Increased range of portion control snacks in Australia by 41% (compared to FY21).
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