17 sustainability intiative stories with new wine range

Wednesday, 02 September, 2020

17 sustainability intiative stories with new wine range

With a history in eco-innovative wine production, De Bortoli has launched a sustainably produced range called 17 TREES. The vegan-friendly range is accompanied by a collaborative commitment to plant one tree for every six bottles sold, with the help of not-for-profit organisation Trillion Trees. This commitment builds on the company’s first sustainability project in 2008 — a commitment to plant 17 trees to offset emissions for each company vehicle.

In conjunction with the wine range launch, from 8 September De Bortoli will release 17 stories detailing its sustainability initiatives.

“Sustainability is at the core of the De Bortoli Wines’ drive for innovation, and we’re widely recognised and commended for our endeavours to become a zero waste wine company. Through initiatives including wise water management, energy efficiency and improved waste management over the past 15 years, we’re demonstrating our commitment to a future where great wine and a healthy environment can be enjoyed by everyone,” said Darren De Bortoli, Managing Director of De Bortoli Wines.

De Bortoli is in the early process of converting a number of vineyards to organic with the increased use of biological farming practices to grow grapes efficiently, safely and sustainably. The 17 TREES lightweight wine bottles are crafted from recycled glass bottles, feature labels printed on recycled paper that is created from natural fibre-based pulp derived from sugar cane waste and packed in recycled packaging materials. The Australian winery also has a large-scale solar energy system and natural gas air conditioning with heat recovery.

As a result of the 2019/2020 Australian bushfires, more than 11 million hectares of land across Australia has burned. The new wine range, which includes a shiraz, pinot grigio and chardonnay (export only), represents a timely collaboration amongst De Bortoli, the company’s suppliers, distributors, and customers to support efforts to replant lost trees and rebuild the Australian bushland.

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