Processing protein-enriched beverages and liquid foods has many challenges for the food manufacturer. One of these challenges is foam during mixing, which can lead to production stops and costly product loss.
The Tetra Pak Industrial Protein Mixer is designed to eliminate foaming and reduce product loss in liquid protein mixing.
It works by using a multi-step process that includes reducing air ingress and employing advanced automation to optimise the mixing procedure.
The result is a mixing process that is foam-free, which both minimises product loss and streamlines downstream processes, resulting in less downtime due to cleaning and equipment maintenance.
Foaming also causes oxidation, which decreases shelf life and is often combatted by the addition of de-foaming agents like silicon oil. The Tetra Pak Industrial Protein Mixer can result in fewer additives being used, reduced nutrient oxidation and longer shelf life.
From whey powders to plant-based and fermentation-derived proteins, the mixer is suitable for a range of industrial applications. Its capacity ranges from small trial batches to large-scale outputs of up to 50,000 L/h.
Phone: +61 3 8561 3800
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