The V12So Disinfection Cannon from Tecpro Australia is designed to disinfect large areas, such as warehouses and factories. The disinfection cannon’s nozzles generate a fine mist of disinfectant solution which is distributed by its turbine. The mist settles over all surfaces and into hidden corners. As the mist is so fine, there is no wetting or pooling. As a result, water consumption is low at 4 L/m.
The disinfection cannon is quiet, with an operating noise of 60 dB(A). The product is modular and features a range of optional extras such as a dosing pump to mix the disinfectant, a generator, a water tank and a trailer. It can also be mounted onto the back of a small flatbed truck.
When using the disinfection cannon indoors, first clear the area of unauthorised personnel while conducting the disinfection procedure. Next, switch off the fire alarm system and ensure the operator wears personal protective equipment such as a protective suit, glasses, gloves and a FFP2-3 mask. The operator must remain behind the disinfection cannon when it is in use.
Next, spray the disinfectant mist in one section at a time for approximately 10–20 min using the product’s automatic rotation. Start the process at the back of the area and work forward. Do not spray directly onto shelves or surfaces; instead, spray the mist a few metres above the surfaces to be cleaned, ensuring that packaged food is safely covered. Allow 1 h for the disinfection mist to settle and do its work, then ventilate the area well.
Phone: 02 9634 3370
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