Real-time quality control using near-infrared
Whether it is baby formula, cookies, baked goods, chips, snacks, confectionery or dairy products, it has undergone analysis more than once during manufacturing to confirm and maintain high quality.
Unity Scientific's near-infrared (NIR) analysers are installed in the world’s leading food and dairy manufacturing plants to ensure that raw materials and finished product meet these demanding quality specifications.
With analysis time at approximately 50 seconds per sample, it provides real-time results that assist quality control decision making. Using NIR, manufacturers can prevent the intake of off-specification product; verify production batch values; verify product label claims; monitor and control mixers, oil sprays and moisture; as well as identify and verify raw materials and specific property concentrations.
The range of SpectraStar NIR analysers are suitable for lab locations and at manufacturing lines and will deliver the user time and cost savings in quality control efforts.
Phone: 02 4735 1813
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