The Optec inline milk product concentration detector uses optical technology to measure whiteness in the process stream thus determining milk content. The measurement technique relies on a light emitting source projecting a light beam into the process stream. This causes scattering of the light to a sensitive light detector which provides a concentration-dependent signal.
The Optec sensor, when used in a closed-loop configuration in conjunction with programmable logic controllers (PLC) and process valve actuators, is able to minimise the incidence of milk products entering the wash cycle, reducing spillage rates and environmental loading. The Optec sensor is applicable to raw and pasteurised milk, creams and yoghurts.
Unlike dairy plants in which control is based on constant velocity and timed procedures to determine transition points, the Optec sensor can provide precise triggering (milk to water ratio) to a PLC via the sensor's voltage-free change-over contact relay. Closed-loop control is provided through an Optec sensor with analog (4-20 mA) output when connected to valve actuators.
The Optec sensor is said to have a very short pay-back period, typically less than three months, as it allows the washing sequence to be initiated at the last possible moment thus maximising milk production and reducing discharge to the environment.
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