Argus Realcold multipurpose tumbler/massaging system
Argus Realcold has available a dual, multipurpose tumbler/massaging system, with 2 x 250 L, cooled, vacuum tumblers/massagers on the one frame. The unit can be easily wheeled between loading and unloading areas and the unit does not need to be housed in an air-conditioned environment. A single controller provides access to the individual units, which can be operated independently or together.
For the small to medium-sized processor, the unit provides the capability to process two different product batches at the same time, reducing processing times for multispecies/-product requirements.
The product range also has a three-unit offer with 3 x 55 L units on the one frame. It is suitable for use by the hospitality industry, food testing laboratories and ingredient manufacturers for testing new ingredient mixes and food processors such as fresh vegetable producers for mixing vegetables with sauces/oils etc.
Phone: 07 3340 1100
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