FSANZ calls for comment on two applications
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has called for comment on two separate applications.
The first is to harmonise maximum levels (MLs) for marine biotoxins in bivalve shellfish. The application seeks to lower the MLs in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) for two marine biotoxins — diarrhetic shellfish toxins and paralytic shellfish toxins — to align with international and New Zealand standards.
“Marine biotoxins cause serious and sometimes long-term toxicity in humans so setting MLs for their presence in shellfish is critical to ensuring food safety,” said Sandra Cuthbert, FSANZ CEO.
The second application is to allow a new processing aid from a genetically modified (GM) source. It seeks approval to permit use of a fructanase enzyme sourced from GM Trichoderma reesei, which has a long history of safe use. If approved, the enzyme may be used during the manufacture of bakery products.
Safety assessments by FSANZ found no health and safety concerns for the processing aid and found that harmonising MLs for marine biotoxins may protect public health and safety and potentially open up export opportunities for producers.
For more information and to access assessment documents, visit the FSANZ call for comment page.
Submissions on the marine biotoxins close 6 pm (Canberra time) 17 August 2023.
For the processing aid, submissions close 6 pm (Canberra time) 10 August 2023.
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