FSANZ call for industry comment on use of processing aid

Tuesday, 27 August, 2024

FSANZ call for industry comment on use of processing aid

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is calling for submissions on an application to amend the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code to permit a new processing aid.

Application A1260 will permit 2-methyloxolane as a processing aid to be used as an extraction solvent in the separation of substances such as protein, oils and fragrances from plant-based materials.

FSANZ is proposing to set maximum permitted levels for residual 2-methyloxolane in final foods. These are 3 mg/kg for infant formula products, 5 mg/kg in foods for infants and formulated supplementary foods for young children, and 20 mg/kg for other foods.

Based on FSANZ’s assessment, no public health and safety concerns have been identified at the proposed maximum permitted levels.

To have your say about this application, visit the FSANZ Consultation Hub. Submissions close at 6pm (AEDT) 20 September 2024.

Image credit: iStock.com/Artfully79

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