Confectionery forum

Thursday, 28 July, 2005

The confectionery industry's annual convention, hosted by the Confectionery Manufacturers of Australasia (CMA) will take on a new identity this year as it takes on a new role in the mix of CMA events. The annual convention that has been known as ConSnack since 1998 will be formally rebranded as ConBiz and will provide a more focused forum for senior management and industry leaders in the Australasian confectionery industry.

The Annual Convention will take place at the Novotel Twin Waters, Sunshine Coast in Queensland between 13-15 October 2005.

The theme of the inaugural event will be 'Managing the Future' and ConBiz will provide delegates with learning opport-unities for management to take back and implement in their businesses as well as valuable networking and discussion.

In launching ConBiz, the CMA will also partner with the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) and workforce planning company Aruspex for this year's event. This relationship will allow the CMA to conduct a major research project that will identify industry-specific future workplace trends such as skill shortages, talent and skill gaps, effective management practices, and human resource strategies that impact on company performance.

The CMA has designed a comprehensive speakers program including:

  • Mr Roger Jackson, managing director, Real World Marketing
  • Ms Susan Heron, CEO, Australian Institute of Management, and Tess Willians, Founder of Aruspex
  • Dr Susan Nelle, managing director, National Food Industry Strategy
  • Ms Sue Schmid, general manager, EAN Australia
  • Dr Ken Hudson, founder, The Idea Centre
  • Mr David Connolly, director, Chem Eng Contracts
  • Mr Collin Segelov, executive director, Australian Association of National Advertisers

The speaker sessions will be complemented by the choice of two workshops, which will allow delegates the opportunity to participate in an interactive forum. The first workshop on 'Managing the Future - Strategies for Success' will be presented by Mr Serge Sardo from the Australian Institute of Management. The second workshop will be presented by Ms Justine Coleman from the Australian Institute of Management on 'Developing internal talent'.

For further information visit

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