Allied Pinnacle and Woolworths launch high-fibre wheat ingredient brand
After 20 years of global research and development by CSIRO in partnership with Limagrain and GRDC, and breeding by Australian Grain Technologies (AGT), Wise Wheat flour has been developed. Claimed to yield six times the fibre of regular wheat flour without compromise on taste or texture*, the high-fibre wheat ingredient is grown across New South Wales and Victoria’s wheat belt.
Flour and bakery business Allied Pinnacle and Woolworths have now partnered to launch the naturally grown high-fibre wheat ingredient brand within a selection of white and seeded bread loaves and rolls available at Woolworths supermarkets with in-store bakeries.
To launch Wise Wheat, dietitian Dr Joanna McMillan (pictured) will front a consumer campaign educating Australians on the fibre gap — both in consumption and knowledge — with new nationwide research** revealing over a quarter of Australians (28%) consume just 20 g or less of fibre per day —below the recommended intake of 25 g for women and 30 g for men.
Allied Pinnacle CEO David Pitt said: “We are thrilled to partner with Woolworths to introduce the naturally grown Wise Wheat to the Australian market. Products made using Wise Wheat offer consumers a simple yet effective way to increase their fibre intake the natural way, with no compromise on taste or change in eating habits. Bread is just the beginning.”
Woolworths Merchandise Manager – Bakery Donald Keith said: “At Woolworths, we are committed to providing our customers with products that align with their evolving preferences for convenience and health. Introducing Wise Wheat into a selection of our popular everyday bakery loaves and rolls offers an easy way for Australians to make healthier choices without sacrificing taste or convenience.”
*Fibre content in baked goods containing Wise Wheat varies
**Commissioned research by Allied Pinnacle conducted by YouGov October 2024 based on a nationally represented sample of 1035 Australians aged 18 years and older.
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