Thermo Scientific LC IsoLink LC-IRMS
Using element isotope fingerprints, food and beverage origin, authenticity and product label claims can be verified in a unique way. Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) works by detecting the ‘isotope fingerprint’ of a sample, a unique chemical signature that changes from sample to sample.
The LC IsoLink LC-IRMS is the first high-sensitivity interface connecting high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with Isotope Ratio MS for the reproducible and accurate online determination of carbon isotope ratios (13C/12C) in individual compounds separated by HPLC.
Isotope ratio monitoring-LC/MS (LC-IRMS) with the Thermo Scientific LC IsoLink LC-IRMS is a technique that can analyse individual sugars in a mixture, like honey.
It is one method to test for adulteration in honey — the combination of HPLC and isotope ratio MS facilitates fast, sensitive analysis of complex sugar substrates. Each individual sugar in honey can be analysed to provide an isotopic fingerprint with more resolution.
It also offers the fast analysis of bulk samples using its direct loop injector positioned immediately after the HPLC column.
Recent scandals about food adulteration in Australia have highlighted the need for fast, efficient, sensitive technologies to screen products and protect brands from litigation and public backlash. LC IsoLink LC-IRMS provides isotopic analysis of complex sugars in honey.
For more information, click here.
Phone: 1300 735 292
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