Camfil high-temperature HEPA filters
Camfil’s range of high-temperature HEPA filters are specifically designed to protect processes at high temperatures and are suitable for use within sterilisation or depyrogenation processes in the food processing and life science industries.
Tested according to either EN779 and ISO 16890 or EN 1822:2019 and ISO 2963, Camfil high-temperature HEPA filters meet the strictest requirements and maintain their integrity and rated performance under extreme temperatures.
Camfil’s Sofilair V-bank style filters are lightweight and suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures up to 120°C, offering low pressure drop for energy savings and long filter life.
Camfil’s Airopac HT and Absolute FRSI box-style filters offer high stability and are suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures up to 250°C.
Typically used for depyrogenation tunnels or ovens and suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures up to 350°C, Camfil’s Termikfil and Absolute FRK-V box-style filters offer mechanical stability in high velocities.
Designed for aseptic filling processes that require maximum production uptime and safety, Camfil’s patented Absolute D-Pyro is the premium high-temperature HEPA filter with a working temperature up to 350°C to peaks at 400°C and tested ramping to + 5°C per min. Achieving ISO Class 5 compliance all across the tunnel and H14 compliance in the production ‘hot zone’ with zero emissions, tempering and cleaning, the Absolute D-Pyro is also designed and manufactured under the Camfil ProSafe Quality & Certification Program.
For more information:
Phone: 03 9562 0011
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