Food analytics make an important contribution to food safety
Thursday, 21 April, 2022
How can the safety of food be guaranteed in the context of international chain stores while still providing transparency with regard to the origin and processing? This is one of the key themes to be covered at upcoming Anuga FoodTec event, which is being staged in Cologne, Germany from 26–29 April 2022.
To minimise consumer protection risks and ensure authenticity of foodstuffs, the international supplier fair for the food and beverage industry provides information on the latest technologies and services. The agenda focuses on trends and the residue analytics process as well as on current approaches for the prevention of food fraud. Experts estimate that around 10% of food and raw materials traded worldwide is affected by food fraud. The most frequently counterfeited foodstuffs are olive oil, honey, milk, and fish as well as adulterated spice and nut mixtures.
Whether for allergen analysis, GMO detection, the determination of the animal species or detection of microbiological contaminations, the demands in the food safety section are just as diversified as the product spectrum of the exhibitors at the event. These range from measurement technology and accessories, sample preparation and analysis, to consumable supplies, through to whole laboratory facilities.
The development towards higher-resolution analysis devices is continually striding forward. Metabolomics analyses are at the fore with two methods: nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, which are implemented coupled with chromatographic methods (gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography). These enable non-target analyses such as authenticity appraisal and the determination of the origin of foodstuffs.
Laboratory 4.0 taking shape
Food samples have to be processed quickly and in accordance with the defined standards — demands that can be simplified using digitalisation and automation. In line with Laboratory 4.0, smart and networked analysis devices are under focus at Anuga FoodTec. These devices can be flexibly integrated into the IT environment across the entire value chain. The aim is to convert manual processes into automated processes and integrate them into the existing laboratory information management systems (LIMS).
Based on these premises, scientists are presently working on rapid tests, which detect within eight hours, for instance, whether a foodstuff has been contaminated with Salmonella. Such molecular biological detection methods are already implemented in laboratories today; however, these are rarely carried out as fully automated processes or in the field of food diagnostics. To make this possible, the researchers are working on solutions that convert manual processes into automated processes such as cultivation, enrichment, molecular and biological duplication, through to detection.
Rapid hygiene control tests
Beyond the trend of characterising food more extensively by its ingredients and composition, above all, practical cleaning and hygiene control tests are essential in the production environment. Ready-to-use culture medium plates are considered to be suitable for monitoring hygiene. The method of detection is based on specific chromogenic substrates that are broken down into dyed products in the metabolic process of the cultivated microorganisms. After the incubation period, one can easily detect whether possible spoilage agents were found on the tested surface. However, it takes several days until the result is available.
Rapid tests on the other hand don’t allow extensive screening when monitoring corporate hygiene; they do however provide a fast yes or no answer. Test sticks that react to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and its phosphates are used for the purpose. The compounds are found in all living cells, including microorganisms as well as in food residues. A positive result is signalised by a change in the colour of the stick — and thus an impure surface. Such real-time tests are becoming increasingly important for the food producers, because they detect deficiencies in the cleaning or disinfectant area or in the technological process within a few minutes.
For more information about the Anuga FoodTec event, visit
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