Private labels are booming

Friday, 30 October, 2009

The supermarkets don’t just want to sell groceries. They also want to sell the groceries as their own. A recent analysis from the Nielsen Company shows a large increase in the number of private labels in the grocery sector, which is something Superfos has experienced too. The packaging supplier recently delivered two million plastic containers for private label shrimps in Italy.

Food products with private labels are becoming more and more visible in supermarkets all over the world. This is mainly due to the recession - consumers want to save money where they can and private labelling enables the supermarkets to sell the products cheaper.

An analysis made by the Danish Nielsen Company in May 2009 shows that private labels make up 21% of the total food sale worldwide and it is expected to increase to 30% before 2015. Switzerland is the country with the highest number of private labels in the grocery sector, where 37% of their grocery sales are private labels, compared to only 13% in Denmark and Italy.

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