Qld closes border but bananas allowed through
Freight trucks are exempt from the latest border control measures introduced by the Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.
According to the Australia Banana Growers’ Council, banana trucks and locals involved in the banana industry (and other agriculture) near the border can continue their business and employment.
The border control measures taken by the Queensland Government came into effect at midnight, 25 March 2020 and include:
- border road closures and police checks on vehicles on major highways
- advice to aircraft passengers at departure point that travellers to Queensland will be required to self-isolate for 14 days
- travellers arriving at Queensland airports to be met by police and other officers
- termination of rail services.
Exemptions include:
- freight
- emergency vehicles
- emergency workers
- those travelling to and from work
- court orders including family court
- compassionate grounds
- medical treatment.
The police have now set up an online portal enabling applications for an entry pass into Queensland. The website can be accessed at www.qld.gov.au/border-pass.
“Essential food, supplies and services are being prioritised. The community can assist us by not trying to cross the border unless their travel is essential,” State Disaster Coordinator Deputy Commissioner Gollschewski said.
The Queensland/New South Wales border last closed at the end of World War I to contain the Spanish flu.
Premier Palaszczuk said the better the community observed measures to restrict travel, avoid personal contact and stay in their homes and suburbs the sooner the virus spread could be contained.
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