Crumb handling system
Friday, 01 July, 2011
When a food manufacturing firm in Sydney had a requirement to feed bulk crumbs mixed with oils out of pallecons and into a process line, they knew they had a challenge on their hands. The product compacts under its own weight causing it to bridge and rat hole, making it hard to deliver into conveyors.
Through a series of product trials, Fresco Systems was able to prove it had ability to work with the product. Fresco then designed and quoted a system that would allow the client to reduce the physical handling of the product while maintaining a continuous throughput, thus both reducing costs and improving productivity. The system provided is completely unmanned except for the loading and unloading of the bulk materials.
The custom-designed solution incorporates a hydraulic bin tipper, with a graduated tipping angle to allow an even flow of product through a mesh into the charging hopper. The hopper was specifically designed with an agitator and fluidisers to negate any chance of bridging or flow issues. This then feeds a charging adapter for the flexible conveyor, which is tuned via a VSD to match the downstream flow requirements. All contact materials were manufactured from 316 stainless steel and full safety guarding and interlocks to a category 3 level were incorporated.
This complete system had to fit within tight space requirements meeting site-specific protocols around operator access to controls and forklift loading of bulk materials.
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